Elida Almeida

Cape Verdean Vocalist, Elida Almeida

Elida Almeida, a talented singer from Cape Verde, was born in 1993. She hails from Pedra Badejo, a town located in the eastern part of Santiago Island. Growing up in the mountains of Santiago, Elida faced various challenges during her childhood. It was not an easy ride for her, as she lived in a place without electricity or basic necessities. Despite these hardships, her passion for music blossomed, and at the age of 17, she began singing at church while immersing herself in radio tunes.

Elida’s journey into the music world started by working on radio commentaries, collaborating with DJs and presenters. Eventually, she took her talents to local concerts and performed at bars in Cape Verde, where she kickstarted her career. One noteworthy figure who recognized Elida’s potential was José da Silva, a producer of Cape Verdean origins residing in France. Having previously worked with Cesária Évora, he became intrigued by Elida’s unique style.

What sets Elida Almeida apart from the well-known morna-coladeira singers of Cape Verde is her distinct influence from funaná and batuque. These rhythms were created by former slaves many decades ago, giving her music an intriguing twist. However, Elida’s expression stands out with its individuality and divergence.

Elida Almeida – Photo by Lawson Daku

In 2014, Elida released her debut album, “Ora doci, Ora margos” (Sweet Times, Bitter Times). This album served as a catharsis for Elida, allowing her to overcome the traumas of her difficult childhood. Overflowing with folk melodies, the album incorporated the beats of Santiago Island, such as batuque, funaná, and morna. The subtle arrangements by guitarist Hernani Almeida elevated the overall musical experience. The album achieved immediate success upon its release in Cape Verde in December 2014, followed by a release in Portugal in January 2015. The popularity was attributed to the captivating music videos for “Nta Konsigui” and “Lebam Ku Bo.”

In 2017, Elida unveiled her EP titled “Djunta Kudjer” (Let’s Put Our Spoons Together) in Cape-Verdean Creole. The EP consisted of six tracks, four of which were brand new. Elida skillfully blended the traditions of the Sahelian archipelago, romantic ballads like “Forti Dor,” batuque with “Era Mintira,” and funaná in “Discriminason.” Pop influences were interwoven with the flavors of other Atlantic islands, as exemplified by “Di Mi Ku Di Bo” recorded in Havana in late 2016 and released as a single the following year. To add an adventurous touch, Elida Almeida embraced the lesser-known beat of the archipelago, tabanka, for her song “Bersu d’Oru” (Golden Cradle). Tabanka, traditionally played during May and June festivals on Santiago Island, serves as a vibrant celebration of African identity.

In her full album titled “Kebrada” (2017), Elida Almeida showcased a diverse range of genres and inspirations. The album featured nostalgic ballads like “Forti Dor,” narrating the story of a son who tragically succumbed to the influence of a bad crowd. Additionally, “Nlibra di Bo” depicted the pain of separation while infusing a distinctly Cuban touch. The album also exuded the energy of batuque with “N’Kreu,” the liveliness of funanà through “Grogu Kaba,” and the rhythmic beats of tabanka in “Bersu d’Oru.”

In 2020, Elida released “Gerasonobu” (New Generation) which brought forth wandering songs born in various corners of the world. Composed during her tours and within the semi-dream state of airplane trips to Lisbon and Abidjan, these songs reflected the vibrations and musical influences absorbed from the territories where they were created. Elida expressed her joy, stating, “Each time, my creations, rooted in Cape Verde, were enriched by the vibrancy and melodies of the places where I wrote them.”

In 2023, Elida Almeida unveiled her album “Di Lonji” (From Far Away).


Ora doci, Ora Margos (Harmonia/Lusafrica, 2014)
Djunta Kudjer (Lusafrica, 2017)
Kebrada (Lusafrica, 2017)
Gerasonobu (Lusafrica, 2023)
Di Lonji (Lusafrica, 2023)

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, worldmusiccentral.org and musicasdelmundo.com. In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.

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