Artist Profiles: Bozhychi


Ukrainian folk ensemble Bozhychi was formed on January 7, 1999 The name of the group Bozhychi comes from the name of the pre-Christian God, which the Slavs called Bozhycha, who was the god of youth and caroling.

The ensemble performs authentic, ancient songs and dance-instrumental traditions, parts of which were preserved in the villages and farms of Ukraine, all of which are dying off with catastrophic speed. The main direction of activity of the ensemble- the scientific study of the Ukrainian village and the method of recording authentic folklore samples. The main focus over the past four years has been collection trips made on canoe expeditions along the rivers of Ukraine.

For the right to receive nationally funded, organizational help for the activities of young folklorists of Ukraine, members of the ensemble started the initial creation of The All Ukrainian Association of Young Ethnomusicologists. The ensemble actively works in association with the Ukrainian Parliament in the areas of youth politics, physical education, sports and tourism, in the name of the State Committee, and the Ministry of Ukrainian Transport.

In May 2002 in an associated project with the Center for Modern Art Dakh, Bozhychi performed their theater piece U Poshukakh Vtrachenoho Chasu (In Search of Lost Time) at the Wienner Festwochen festival in Vienna, Austria. At this festival, Bozhychi-Dakh received the theater grand prize Pektoral 21 for the best chamber theater piece, and as well the grand prize from the theater critics of Kyivan Rakhunok for the best theater piece of the year. In July 2003 Bozhychi performed their theater piece in Hungary, on theater festival in Capolch.

In 2005 the Group created own Theatre Perfomance ?Life Circle?, founded on Ukrainian traditions, songs and dances.

Since January 2001 Bozhychi initiated social advertising campaign that is called ‘Don’t let break off the ancestors’ voice! Musicians call to feel inside of every person the voice of the ancestors, to make free own consciousness from the influence of TV and pop culture and other reasons that litter human’s brain.

Since 1999 Bozhychi has become the most advanced and successful Ukrainian folk group. Discography contains 5 audio albums, 1 DVD book on Ukrainian traditional dances with CD (2 in 1).


Illya Fetisov – Chief, vocal, harmon, venka,
Susanna Karpenko – vocal, tambourine
Iryna Borysenko – vocal, tambourine
Maria Kudriavtseva – vocal
Hanna Arhipchuk – vocal
Valery Gladunets – vocal
Olga Karapata – vocal.


Rolled, oh, the clear star from the sky – Kotylasia, oy, yasna zoria z neba (2004)

From Kyiv to Jerusalem. Koliada Songs – Scho z Kyeva ta y do Rusaluma. Koliadnytski pisni (2005)

To Love Forever Is Not Enough. Songs About Love (2007)

Ukrainian Folk Dance. Part 1 (2009)

Psal’mas. Pomyshliayte, Chelovetsy (2009)

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.

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