Artist Profiles: Luis Delgado

Luis Delgado

Luis Delgado, who was born in July 1956 in Madrid, can safely be called one of the most versatile musicians in Spain. The multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer played his first concert at the age of 14, as a member of the Laudes Ensemble “Gaspar Sanz”. Since then (aside from his regular music studies under the renowned eminence D. Manuel Grandio), he has recorded numerous records as a solo artist, and many more as a member of various different groups, including Babia, Finis Africae, Atrium Musicae, Calamus, and La Musgaña. He has also produced more than 30 albums and has collaborated as a musician on over 100 recordings.

Delgado’s musical spectrum ranges from Andalusian-style rock to various different kinds of traditional and world music, and also includes Medieval and ancient music. The latter has always played a special role in Delgado’s life, his heart belonging especially to past times.

Luis Delgado

During the course of his career, Delgado has become particularly well known as a specialist in the music of Moorish-occupied Spain (‘Al-Andalus’), also known as Arab Andalusian music. In this capacity, he has not only recorded an impressive number of albums, but also composed and produced numerous soundtracks for television series, dramas and documentaries with appropriate themes. He has also written original music for a large number of theater productions and two ballet productions worth mentioning: “Arrayan Daraxa” (at the closing event of the EXPO 1992 in Seville) and “Jaleos” (which was premiered at the New York City Center, another renowned venue).

Delgado worked as a consultant and Senior Composer at the Planetarium in Madrid. His extensive discography features over a thousands musical instruments from his private collection, part of which are exhibited to the public in the “Museo de la Música- Colección Luis Delgado” (Museum of Music – Luis Delgado Collection) in the walled city of Urueña (Valladolid province).


Vathek – Procesos Electrónicos Para Instrumentos Acústicos (Grabaciones Accidentales, 1986)
Alquibla, Música Original De La Serie De TVE (RTVE Música, 1990)
Alquibla II, Musica Original De La Serie De TVE (RTVE Música, 1991)
Banda Original Del Programa De Planetario (Via Lactea, 1993)
Halilem (Pneuma, 1995)
El Sueño De Al-Zaqqâq (Nubenegra, 1997)
Sol y Sombra (Álba musica, 1997)
Tres Culturas (Pneuma, 1998)
Jardín De Al-Andalus. Música Arabigo-Andaluza De La Sevilla Medieval (Pneuma, 1999)
El Hechizo De Babilonia (Nubenegra, 2000)
Riyad Al-Hubb (daquí, 2001)
Planetario De Madrid · Volumen II (Ayuntamiento De Madrid, 2001)
Shanti (Nubenegra, 2003)
Ecos Del Espíritu (Pneuma, 2004)
Dirigido por Gerardo Vera: Música para el Centro Dramático Nacional (DRO/Warner Music, 2012)
Viajes Sonoros
Enjarje; La Torre del Salvador (2014)

With Los Músicos de Urueña:

La Lírica Sagrada en los Trovadores
Música en la Catedral-Museo de Jaca
La Estrella de Belén
Los Músicos de Urueña en la Capilla Mudejar de San Bartolome
Romancero Viejo y Nuevo en el Quijote
El Vino en la Música de las Tres Culturas
Musica Sefardí – Sinagoga del Tránsito
Musica de las Tres Culturas – Museo Vivo de al-Andalus en Córdoba
Musica Medieval para el Museo de la Catedral de Jaca
Musica Medieval para el museo diocesal de Jaca, with César Carazo

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.

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