Artist Profiles: Svetilen


The ensemble of ancient Russian music Svetilen was formed in 1989 to preserve the old Russian vocal tradition. This style is reflected in two types of singing: church singing and secular singing. Both are marked by the meaning of the sacred word. This testifies to their common “starting point” and the same cultural and musical background. Musical compositions are usually performed a capella, but sometimes ancient Russian instruments such as gusli and koliosnaya lira are used giving a peculiar sound.

Svetilen tries to evaluate this legacy from the view points of modern people and to bring new conceptions to old Russian choral culture. The search for original choral arrangements, rhythmic patterns and harmonies, reflecting the character and forms of sacred and folk music is the main guideline for Svetilen.

The specific profile of the ensemble is based upon two characteristic features. First, the sound quality has a distinctive open ethnographical manner, used to perform sacred music. The leader of the ensemble D. Garkavi makes this strategy quite relevant, following the results of musicological researches. He considers this style dominating in old Russia, when neither monks nor congregations had any notion of Western academic choral traditions. Secondly, the repertoire of the group includes liturgical, folk and modern music. The most original item in the program of the ensemble is a set of spiritual chants, arranged by D. Garkavi.
Svetilen doesn’t only bring old Russian music to contemporary audiences. It is concerned about the genetic memory and the idea of national identity. D. Garkavi and his six professional partners are united in their care about restoration and promotion of old Russian choral culture.

The group has participated in numerous festival in Russia and abroad and has won several internal awards.

The ensemble “Svetilen” consists of seven professional singers:
Sopranos: Alena Maksimova, Tatiana Vagatcheva
alto – Loubov Shagalova
tenors – Dmitri Garkavi, Sergey Kondratiev
basses – Roman Kholodov, Dmitri Loushnikov
Choirmaster – Loubov Shagalova
Director – Dmitri Garkavi


From East To West (Ivtelecom, 2001)
Russia: Popular And Traditional Songs (Harmonia Mundi, 2006)

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.

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