Artist Profiles: Gaiteiros de Lisboa

Gaiteiros de Lisboa

Gaiteiros de Lisboa is a traditional folk and world music band of multi-talented musicians who got together around a sonorous project that stands on the constant search for new sounds. This led the group to the creation of original instruments such as Tubaros d’Orpheu, Tubaroes, Orgaz, Cabecadecompressorofone, Clarinete acabacado and Serafina. Their experimental attitude setsup a bridge between tradition and modernity. By combiing traditional styles with contemporary sensibilities.

The group started out in 1991 as a street animation group. After several lineup changes, the lineup in 2018 included Carlos Guerreiro (voice, sanfona, panflutes, tubaros de Orfeu, buzio, percussion); Jose Salgueiro (voice, flugel, panflutes, tubaros de Orfeu, búzio or conch shell, percussion), Rui Vaz (voice, gaita, ocarina, panflutes, percussion), Pedro Casaes (voice, panflutes, percussion), Jose Manuel David (voice, trompa or French horn, gaita, flutes, percussion), Paulo Marinho (gaitas, flute, svina, panflutes, buzio, percussion) and Paulo Charneca (percussions, tubaroes).

They have played with the most important Portuguese musicians and bands having backgrounds in different genres such as rock, jazz, pop, folk, classical and early music.


Invasões Bárbaras (Farol Música, 1995)
Bocas do Inferno (Farol Música, 1997)
Dança Chamas (Farol Música, 2000)
Macaréu (Aduf Edições, 2002)
Sátiro (Adufmúsica/Sony, 2006)
Avis Rara (D’Eurídice, 2012)
A História (Uguru, 2017)
Bestiário (Uguru, 2019)

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.

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