The Resurgence of Kandia Kouyaté

Kandia Kouyaté – Renascence (Sterns, 2015)

Sensational Malian vocalist is back with Renascence. This great news for Malian music fans. Kandia Kouyaté had only released two albums outside of Mali and then she had a stroke. Encouraged by the late Ibrahima Sylla, Kandia agreed to record again. Renascence is her third international release and marks her return to the studio. Kadia Kouyate clearly demonstrates she’s still in great musical shape.

While a lot of Malian music we are exposed combines tradition with modern elements, Kandia Kouyaté delivers traditional-style jeli (griot) praise songs. Renascence features tributes to her Kouyate lineage (one of the leading hereditary musical families from Kita in Mali); Mali; a Fula patron named Seydou Sidibé; a nice young man named Bara Koita; another patron, the late Mamadou Lah (Dakolo); Batafin Soufamo, Kandia’s great aunt; Sory and the brave Fula men of Biriko who helped her grandfather; her recovery from ill health; a call to women to celebrate the arrival of Ami Touré; and the Camara family of West Africa.

The lineup on Renascence includes Kandia Kouyaté on vocals; Fadiala Diawara on acoustic guitar and bass; Djely Moussa Kouyaté on electric guitar; Djely Moussa Condé on kora; Lansiné Kouyaté on bala (West African xylophone); Amadou Sodia on bolon (a three string bass harp); Mamadou Sacko on karinyan (a small ribbed iron pipe that is struck with an iron bar), yaraba, tama (talking drum), calabass, dunumba and jembe; Badjé Tounkara on ngoni; François Bréant on bass, bendir, ghatam, percussion and keyboards; Hadja Kouyaté, Manian Demba, Nanakoul Kouyaté and Sekou Kouyaté on backing vocals; and Aliou Diabaté who provides the narration on track 10.

Renascence showcases the talent and passionate vocals of one of the greatest singers from West Africa.

Buy Renascence in North America

Buy Renascence in Europe

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.

One Reply to “The Resurgence of Kandia Kouyaté”

  1. All glory and praises to Allah for preserving Mama Kandia’s life thus the revival and renaissance we are enjoying now.
    Special thanks to all those who put in efforts to help her during her moments of need.

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