While continuing with the principles of her Guru’s pioneering school – the K.S. Narayanaswamy “Bani”*, Saraswati Rajagopalan has created and evolved a distinctive style and identity entirely her own. The exquisite tonal quality and versatility that have been the magical hallmarks of her style of playing the Veena, saw her produce sounds quite varied and majestic in the given short spell.
For Ustad Bahauddin Dagar, the Rudra Veena (Been) has been a part of his family’s training in music for several generations. His family sees the Been and vocal music as complementary arts. But in him the Been has been treated also as a guide to vocal music and In his rendering the subtleties of intonation and intervallic transitions in Dhrupad was very well brought out.
Lalgudi Shri Sriganesh on the Mridangam and Shri Vivek on the Pakhawaj gave able percussion support.
The Veena Festival is all about sincere effort to rekindle interest in Veena instrument as a significant medium for expression of the Indian Classical music for both the genres of Indian Music, the Carnatic and the Hindustani. The Veena is considered most noble and revered musical instrument. In order to unite members of the known and existing Veena family, the Veena Foundation has announced that it will facilitate exchange of ideas and knowledge between Veena players across the country and abroad. The Veena family is about to emerge as a well-knit group. They seek to highlight the significance of the Veena as a symbol of art & science of music. It is also an acoustic vehicle for spiritual odyssey. The foundation will act as a catalyst towards achieving the objective of uniting vainikas of the south with the north. It will also foster the traditional guru-shishya parampara*.
The festival catered to the representation of various gharanas/ Banis of the Veena schools.
* A jugalbandi or jugalbandhi is a performance in Indian classical music that features a duet of two solo musicians. The word jugalbandi means, literally, “entwined”.
* Bani = tradition/style
* Parampara = Parampara denotes a succession of teachers and disciples in traditional Indian culture and Indian religions
* Gamaka = Gamaka, also known as gamak or gamakam, refers to ornamentation/embellishment that is used in the performance of Indian classical music especially to individual musical notes
Author: Dr. Saroja Raman
Dr. Saroja Raman is a vocalist who has been pursuing Carnatic music from the age of 7. She has a Doctorate PhD in Music from the Delhi University, India