Väsen - Melliken

Väsen’s Exquisite Nyckelharpa and Viola Pieces

Väsen – Melliken (Olov Johansson Musik, 2023)

Väsen‘s latest offering, “Melliken,” takes the listener into a vivid, finely crafted and eloquent world where the music of Olov and Mikael weaves a common thread across generations. Fresh, impeccable and beautiful compositions complement traditional melodies. The combination of bowed instruments (bass viola, cello) and a silvery nyckelharpa creates a distinctive and captivating interplay. “Melliken” represents the latest chapter in Väsen’s almost four-decade musical odyssey, driven by their enduring passion for the art form.

The album title, “Melliken,” honors the nickname of Per Persson Menlös, a celebrated fiddler from Hedesunda. All the traditional tunes featured on this record are associated with the Dalälven region, which spans the border between Uppland and Gästrikland provinces. Despite being a border, the river connected the people living in the area, facilitating travel and fostering relationships.

“Melliken” was released on March 1st, with streaming on most platforms starting on April 2nd. Väsen’s Mikael Marin, Olov Johansson, and their perfected sound and stage presence have made them a one-of-a-kind act in their genre after 38 years of performing together. The chemistry between the two musicians seems telepathic, defying physics with their playful and flawless interplay.

Formed in 1989, Väsen has evolved from a trio to a quintet, a quartet, and then to a duo in recent years. The internationally acclaimed Swedish folk group has toured extensively throughout the USA, Japan, the Nordic countries, and Western Europe. In addition to “Melliken,” the band has released fourteen studio albums, four live albums, and numerous compilations. Their musical prowess has earned them various awards, including the top Swedish music award,” the Danish “Dansk Folkemusik Pris,” the World Music Tourchbearer award, and the Swedish Royal Music Academy’s “Stora Folkmusikpris.” They were also named Band of the Year at the Folk och Världsmusikgalan.

Buy the album at vasen.se/melliken

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, worldmusiccentral.org and musicasdelmundo.com. In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.

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