In 2014, we interviewed music video animator Mattias Gordon, from Sweden. He enjoys working with world music acts so we thought it was time to get an update from Mattias about his work in the past six years.
We first interviewed you six years ago. How has your animation technique and style evolved during this time?
MG: I think my animation changes according to how the digital tools change. There are so many ways that you can make 2D animation so every projects has its own rules. And it sets the visual limitation of how it looks.
I guess my style is somehow the same but I try to push the limits to create better and more interesting work. And to keep learning more. Often the budget sets the limit what can be done. But much money doesn’t mean good result. It’s more to find an easy way toll tell the story.
You told us you are especially attracted to folk and world music projects. Tell us about some of your music video animation projects in recent years.
In 2015, I made a second video for Kila (Ireland) for the track ‘Am.’ Am means time and the basic idea came from a drawing I made more than 35 years ago. That was a drawing of someone who was building a high house. But they had ran out of bricks so they had to take the ones from the bottom to be able to build higher. It’s about what we do with our history and memories and if making things bigger always is a good thing.
In 2016 I made a second video for Hazmat Modine (USA) with the track Moving Stones. It is about the father of Erik Della Penna (member of the band), who lives in upstate New York and who for many years has created a labyrinth of stonewalls and sculpture. So the video is about creativity, to keep on creating things from what the ideas you get in your mind. It’s fantastic to work with Wade Schuman since he knows so much about art and could get so much input to the art and story.
In 2018, I made a video for Per Gessle ( Sweden), known from Roxette. It’s pop and not folk and world music but it’s the best known artist I have worked with. In Sweden he is an icon but it was very nice to work with him. This film was more of a traditional love story but even though I tried to add details to make the story more complex and interesting.
In 2019 I made a video for Damien Barber (UK) and his Demon Barbers with”Rise Up”. It´s a song and video about ”Kett’s Rebellion” of 1549, and about social justice and political protest. I made this video in a more illustrative style and I had to do some research to get it as correct as possible. The plan was that this track would be on CD in 2020 celebrating the 20th celebration of the band but corona change the plans.
This year I made a video for reggae artist Pablo Gad (UK) and his”Roots Alive”. It’s a song about how roots and folk music will survive forever even if the music industry mostly want to create music that gives them money. I haven’t listened too much to reggae so it was very fun to do this video and get to know it better.
I have done some pop and rock videos too during the years.
What tools do you use to make your animation projects at this time?
Now the tools are digital. There are three main animation software that I use. Toonboom Harmony where you can rig characters and animate in a very effective and flexible way. I also use TV paint which is more like a traditional animation tool where you have to draw all the frames to the animation. And then it´s After Effects. I edit all videos in AE but it has many animation features of its own.
I like to work in different tools. To change view.
How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your work and livelihood?
Not so very much. My normal life is very much up and down. Sometimes I have much work and sometimes very little. I have the best high yield savings accounts with some good money in there so I managed the situation OK.
I work in a house besides my living house in the countryside so my ordinary life is very much a quarantine life, where I don’t meet so much people. So for me it is the same.
My son (grown up) got COVID positive but me and my wife have not been sick, so I am happy for this. Now the situation is tough again so we have to take it easy. I hope the vaccine will make the life in 2021 much easier.
How can people reach you if they are interested in your services?
They are welcome to contact me if they want something animated. If they visit my site they can see most of my films there and they can just send me a mail on
What animation projects are you currently working on?
I have several projects of my own that I try to develop and get funding. Its hard work but I keep trying. I also have some other projects with other artists. Working with a music video for the Dutch musician Lonny Ziblat.
In the New Year I will probably work with a bigger project that will help persons with disability in their life. I work with social projects now and then. It feels good to be able to help other people with animation.
[headline photo by Gunilla Hultsjö]