SGAE Foundation to Showcase Madrid Flamenco in January 2020

The SGAE Foundation will present Flamencos de Aqui (Flamencos from Here), a series of concerts from January 23 to 25, 2020 at the Sala Berlanga venue. The artists featured are part of Madrid’s thriving flamenco scene.

The series will begin on January 23rd with celebrated Gypsy singer M. Heredia (Marta Heredia), an artist that has performed at the most important theaters in the world, accompanied by upcoming artists on dance and guitar. M. Heredia is a member of the famed Heredia flamenco lineage. Her show is titled Esencias Flamencas.

M. Heredia

The next day, January 24, the focus will be the Flamenco cajón, a percussion instrument that has become a standard in flamenco ensembles. Cajón masters Lucky Losada and Antonio Losada, members of the well known Losada family, will show the audience the evolution of this musical instrument, together with dance and guitar. The show is titled Flamencos por cajones, a word play that means ballsy flamenco or flamenco for the sake of it.

Lucky Losada
Antonio Losada

The series will conclude on Friday, January 25, showcasing the great guitarist Iván Losada, accompanied by young upcoming dancers and singers. The show is titled Los canasteros: Tributo al Teatro Real de los gitanos (Los canasteros: Tribute to the Royal Theater of the Gypsies).

Iván Losada – Photo courtesy of Cardamomo Flamenco Madrid

This diverse concert is a tribute to the legendary flamenco maestro Manolo Caracol, his zambra and the now defunct Los Canasteros flamenco nightclub in Madrid. For 30 years, Los Canasteros welcomed artists, intellectuals and bullfighters on Barbieri Street, and was known by the nickname of “Teatro Real” (Royal theater) of the gypsies


Wednesday, January 23 – Esencias Flamencas

  • M. Heredia, vocals
  • Jesús “el Almendro”, vocals
  • José Sisón, guitar
  • Marcos Morales, dance
  • Antonia Estepa, dance

Thursday – January 24 – Flamencos por cajones

  • Lucky Losada, percussion
  • Antonio Losada, percussion
  • Saúl Quirós, vocals
  • Mario Montoya, guitar
  • Ileana Gómez, dance

Friday, January 25 – Los canasteros: Homenaje al “Teatro Real” de los gitanos

  • Iván Losada, guitar
  • Eleazar Cerreduela, vocals
  • Nael Salazar, vocals
  • Iván Losada Jr., percussion
  • José “el Bocadillo”, dance

All shows at 9:00 pm at Sala Berlanga, Calle Andrés Mellado 53. Price: 6.50 euros. Advance sale at the box office and at

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central

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