Artist Profiles: Druha Trava

Druha Trava

Druha Trava (Second Grass) was formed in 1991 in the Czech Republic. Their musical heritage comes from a place far from the Appalachian communities where bluegrass originated.

Since its formation, Druha Trava has achieved star status in their Czech homeland and the group is one of the most awarded and internationally acclaimed European bands. Each of the five members is a masterful multi-instrumentalist whose influences include bluegrass, jazz, rock, country, folk and classical music.

Druha Trava was co-founded by Robert Krestan, the group’s lead singer and principal writer. In the Czech Republic, Krestan is recognized as one of the premiere stars of bluegrass and country music. He credits the “tramp movement” with the extraordinary popularity that bluegrass music is presently enoying in his country. (In the Czech Republic, the expression “tramp music” refers to an ever-evolving style that combines such Western influences as swing, country and bluegrass.)

Krestan explains that this affinity for Western music was inspired further by Pete Seeger who toured Czechoslovakia in 1962 and introduced the 5string banjo to a population that was unfamiliar with the instrument. As a result of Seeger’s musical ambassadorship, many musicians began to play stringed instruments, learn the melodies of traditional American folk and bluegrass songs and adapt Czech lyrics to fit the melody lines. Robert Krestan and Druha Trava are expanding that trend by performing songs in both Enghsh and Czech languages.

Druha Trava came together in 1991, and have become known as one of the most successful international “bluegrass” bands of all time. They have been voted Band of the Year by the Czech Recording Industry (formerly Czech “Grammy” awards), as well as by the Banjo Jamboree Festival in Strakonice. In addition to Krestan, Druha Trava includes the following members: Lubos Malina (banjo player and co-founder, who Dirty Linen Magazine describes as “unquestionably one of the best banjo players in Europe”), Lubos Novotny (Dobro), Martin Ledvina (guitar), and Jiri Meisner (bass).

Individually, each of these musicians has received numerous yearly awards as Instrumentalist of the Year on his respective instrument. Together, they have created their own exciting brand of progressive bluegrass which has made them one of the best selling bands of any genre in the Czech Republic, and has earned them appearances or recording collaborations with Ricky Skaggs, Tony Trischka, Bela Fleck, Peter Rowan, Andy Owens and the Irish superstar, Davy Spillane.

Czechmate was Druha Trava’s sixth album and first US release.


Robert Křesťan a Druhá Tráva (Bonton, 1991)
Revival (Monitor, 1992)
Starodávný svět (Venkow, 1994)
Druhá Tráva s Pavlínou Jíšovou (Venkow, 1995)
Second Grass Live (Venkow, 1995)
Postcard (Venkow/Polygram, 1997)
Czechmate (Venkow, 1998)
New Freedom Bell, with Peter Rowan (Compass Records, 1999)
Best and Last (Venkow, 2001)
Nech svět, ať se točí dál (Venkow, 2002)
Live in Brno (with Charlie McCoy Venkow, 2004)
Good Morning, Friend (Universal, 2004)
Dylanovky (Universal, 2007)
Marcipán z Toleda (Universal, 2011)

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.


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