Artist Profiles: Anima


Anima – Musica Mundana Humana Et Instrumentalis Ensemble has been performing since 1992, mixing the simplicity of popular culture and the refinement of classical culture. The repertoire is based on research of Brazilian music of oral tradition – folk and popular-, European music written between the 12th and 15th centuries, and folk songs from different parts of the world.

By listening and choosing a number of works and researching a number of instruments the group draws a parallel of contrasting cultures and expressions. In 1993, Anima was the winner of the prize “Premio Estimulo” awarded by the Department of Culture of the City of Campinas, Sao Paulo, for the concert.” ESPIRAL DO TEMPO”, later performed in cities around Brazil.

In 1994, with three other ensembles for Brazilian music, they participated in the CD “Trilhas “that received two nominations for the prize “Premio Sharp 94”. Anima’s programs are originated out of collective creation, each rehearsal is a laboratory for composing and improvising. They bring to light ancient roots of popular music and popular language existing in ancient music, establishing Anima’s own sonority.


Isa Taube – vocals

After graduating in conducting by UNICAMP (SP) -Universidade Estadual de Campinas (State University of Campinas), was awarded scholarship from Berklee College of Music (Boston, U.S.), and specialized in singing. In 1996 she recorded her first solo CD performing popular Brazilian and North American music. She works on ancient European music, having performed with The ensemble Pró-Música Antiga de Campinas.

Ivan Vilela – Brazilian ten-string guitar

Graduated in composition from UNICAMP (SP), where he is finishing a post graduation course. Vilela composes music for theater and movies and is the author of the regional thematic opera “Cheiro de Mato e de Chao.” He has been researching the cultural expressions of Minas Gerais (BR) for twenty years. Vilela composed and directed a number of records for renowned guitar players and ensembles linked to popular culture. He has also recorded music for children.

Recordings :

Hortela, with the singer Priscila Stephan (1985)

Trilhas, with the ensemble Trem de Corda (1994)

Paisagens (1998)

João Carlos Dalgalarrondo – percussion

Studied classical percussion wifh ClaudioStephan arid Luis Anunciao. In France, studied classical percussion with Gaston Sylvestre and’ Iranian drum (Zarb)with Bruno Calla and Djamchid Chemirani at the Rueil-Malmaison Conservatory, and participated in the ensemble Pays-Paisage, dedicated to research contemporary-and traditional music. Was member of the Municipal Symphonic Orchestra of Campinas (SP) and teacher of rhythm and percussion’ at UNICAMP. Soloist and chamber performer of ancient, jazz, and popular music. Author, director Mid interpreter of musical-theater, as well as composer and art manager. Winner of’ the prize ‘”Primeiro Firestone de Musica Criativa” for one of his plays. Often performs in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Spain, France and the U.S.

Luiz Henrique Fiaminghi – Brazilian fiddles

Studied violin with Paulo Bosisio and Ayrton Pinto (UNESP/SP) – State University of Sao Paulo). Bachelor of Arts in composition and conducting from UNICAMP/SP. Was violinist for the Municipal Symphonic Orchestra of Campinas. Awarded in 1987 a scholarship by CNP – Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (National Research Council) to study baroque violin and baroque music interpretation in Holland.

Studied at the Conservatory of Rotterdam (Teacher Marie Leonhardt)and at the Conservatory of Utrecht (Teacher Alda Stuurop). Stayed there until 1992. Has performed in a number of baroque orchestras, including the European ‘Community Baroque Orchestra. Was violin teacher at the State University of Santa Catarina, from 1993 to 1995. Has worked as visiting teacher at important courses and festivals. Member of Nucleo Talea of medieval music and the baroque music ensemble Harmonia Universalis.

Patricia Gaiti – harpsichord

Post graduated in harpsichord by UNIGAMP (State University of Campinas) in 1997. Participated in a number of master classes for ancient music taught by Elisa Freixo, Roberto de Regina, Helena Jank, Edmundo Hora, Christophe Rousset (France), Jacques Ogg and Chris Farr (Holland). Member of the ensemble Harmonia Universalis for baroque music. Researches music therapy to psychotic patients. Participated in the Duo Bem Temperado in the CD “Trilhas”, in 1994 and in 1998 launched a CD “Mexericos da Rabeca”, -with songs for fiddle and harpsichord by Jose Eduardo Gramani Valeria Bittar – recorders Studied recorder in Brazil with Joao Dias Carrasqueira.

Graduated in recorder at the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts of Vienna, Austria, being awarded scholarship by “Alban Berg Stiftung”. Participated in a number of master classes focused on ancient and contemporary music, in Germany, Liechtenstein, Holland and Italy, also studied with recorder player Kees Boeke (Holland/Italy). Member of chamber music groups in Brazil and abroad, publishes books about classical music, contributed with Radio Cultura FM (SP) producing programs about ancient music, produced and participated in the CD “Espiraldo Tempo”. Member of the ensemble, Harmonia Universalis of baroque music and Nucleo Talea of medieval music. Develops work on recorder interpretation together with corporal and breathing consciousness.


Espiral Do Tempo (1997)
Especiarias (2000)
Amares (2003)
Espelho (2006)
Donzela Guerreira

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.


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