Artist Profiles: Grey Larsen

Grey Larsen

Grey Larsen discovered Irish music in the early 1970’s and then embarked on a passionate and devoted journey that continues to this day. In the ensuing decades he has become one of the United States’most highly regarded flute players. His accomplishments in the field and compositions in the tradition are equally respected by musicians in Ireland, the United States, and across the globe. He has written a comprehensive book series on the art of Irish flute and tin whistle playing for Mel Bay Publications exploring both techniques and philosophies of playing and presenting his own new notation system for flute and whistle ornamentation.

Grey was a longtime member of the renowned group Metamora with Malcolm Dalglish and Pete Sutherland, with whom he recorded three albums and toured extensively. His collaboration with French Canadian singer, guitarist and foot percussionist Andre Marchand resulted in their award winning album The Orange Tree.

Grey Larsen offers concert performances, master classes, lecture-demonstrations, seminars, residencies, curtain talks and private lessons. He also demonstrates the hosting of traditional Irish music “sessions”, the social institution that more than any other keeps the Irish musical tradition alive.

Grey is at home on half a dozen instruments and in several musical styles. He currently records, produces, and masters recordings, scores films, and edits music for various books and for Sing Out magazine.

Grey Larsen plays Irish flute, tin whistles, Anglo concertina, harmonium, field organ, and piano.


Banish Misfortune, with Malcolm Dalglish (June Appal Records 1976)

The First of Autumn, with Malcolm Dalglish (June Appal Records, 1978)

Thunderhead, with Malcolm Dalglish (Flying Fish Records, 1983)

Metamora, with Metamora ( Sugar Hill Records, 1985)

The Gathering (Sugar Hill Records, 1986)

The Great Road, with Metamora (Sugar Hill Records, 1987)

Morning Walk, with Metamora (Windham Hill Records, 1988)

Helpless Heart, with Maura O’Connell (Warner Brothers Records, 199)

The Orange Tree, with Andre Marchand (Sugar Hill Records, 1993)

The Green House, with Paddy League (2001)

Dark of the Moon (Sleepy Creek Music, 2003)

Les Marionnettes (Sleepy Creek Music, 2004)

Cross the Water (Sleepy Creek Music, 2007)


Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.


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