Best World Music Album of 2013 Readers’ Poll

World Music Central presents its 2013 Readers’ Poll for Best World Music album.

You can vote multiple choices and voting is allowed once a day.

Please vote quality rather than name recognition. If you think that we have left out a significant album, send us an email or write a comment.

Results will be made public at the end of 2013.

[Editor’s note. This poll is now closed. For final results, read Final Results for Best World Music Album of 2013 Readers’ Poll

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Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


95 Replies to “Best World Music Album of 2013 Readers’ Poll”

  1. Amir é um dos melhores guitarristas que ja vi, sem dúvidas o seu som nos inspira , queria ter o prazer de conhecer esse monstro da guitarra um dia , parabéns pelo trabalho

  2. We added Clychau Dibon by Catrin Finch & Seckou Keita although a little late. It is one of those albums that seemed to have gotten a lot of exposure in the UK but flew totally under the radar here in the USA.

  3. What a fabulous sound JeConte & The Mali Allstars produce on “Mali Blues.” You are a super-talented group. I look forward to hearing you all in the United States this year.

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