Muzička is based in Bratislava and was founded in 1990. The band got its inspiration from listening to old recordings. “In many cases these are recordings from past rural masters that are often of low sound quality.”
The band members prefer to play at live events, such as weddings, celebrations, appearances and spontaneous events and also at concerts. “We appreciate folklore in its original earthy sound, as little refined, kitschy, institutionalized, or revivalist as possible. and we hope this is obvious from our playing. “
Everybody can download any recording (including CD cover/booklet), as many times as they wish and free of charge. “We hope that you will do so and that you‘ll like our new production. Whether yes or no, we will be pleased by any voluntary financial contribution by which you would decide to appreciate our work.”
Pomo auta, bo anta neto kja! includes little known melodies or lyrics, which were forgotten by folk artists. “Let’s take, for example, Cervené jablcko (Red apple), a song from Upper Liptov region, that young women sang while dancing ‘Cuchom’ dance. Many of us remember it as a notorious tune that was used by preschoolers on MDŽ (International women’s day), to express the passionate love to their mothers (an erotic moment in it was, of course, erased tendentiously by a change in lyrics – “I love you Johnny the most” for “I love you Mom the most”) . Our frustration of the unfortunate fate of these songs culminated, when, digging in the archives, we found known piece, but in an unusual brilliance of a version brought out by old musicians and singers. So the idea for ‘homecoming’ of these songs, which, thanks to the songbooks and grammar school music classes, spread widely across Slovakia, but paid the fee of grey uniformity, rose in our minds.”
Recordings were produced with the financial support of Pro Slovakia foundation.
Muzička is:
Tomáš Brunovský – violin
Laco Fekete – violin
Ivan Hanula – violin
Martin Brunovský –contra violin
Mišo Brdársky –contra viola
Peter Obuch – double-bass, small-bass
Eva Brunovská – leader of the singing group
Xenia Makarová – singer
Zoja Feketeová – singer
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Author: World Music Central News Room
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