Mestizao Festival 2009 Brings Music Hybrids to Granada

The city of Granada in southern Spain will host the 5th edition of Mestizao Festival. The festival focuses on mestizo music, which is a genre that encompasses various musical influences and hybrids. The event will take place Saturday, January 17 at Sala El Tren in Granada. The all night festival begins at 9 am and ends at 7 am the following day.

The artists featured will be:

  • Che Sudaka, the new ambassadors of Latin American  mestizaje (musical mixture that is produced when various musical styles mix)
  • Exclusive show with Ojos de Brujo members: Max Moya (percusión and beatbox), Charly Sarduy (Trumpet) and DJ Panko (vocals and Dj)
  • Paulo de Swardt, the latest project of Macaco’s second vocalist
  • Kumar, ragga and Latin hip-hop from Cuba
  • Kumpania Algazarra, Portugal’s leading Balkan and world-ska
  • Maui y los Sirénidos, Granada’s Mestizo Flamenco.

Concert schedule: 21:30 Maui & Los Sirénidos / 23:00 Kumpania Algazarra / 00:45 Che Sudaka / 02:45 Paul de Swardt / 03:20 Kumar / 03:55 Músicos Ojos de Brujo Show

Price: 15€ advance and 18€ at box office

Buy tickets at:
Granada: Bar Patapalo, Plantabaja, Riff Raff y Subterránea Cómics
Internet: and

More information at:

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


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