Dubai Lime Sparks UAE Music Scene

[image1_left]Dubai, UAE – Dubai’s visionary leaders are building a city unlike any other. In vying to become a global and financial business hub, Dubai is attracting people and companies from around the world. The chance to get in at the ground level of one of the world’s most dynamic transformations in modern history will attract millions of visitors and in 2006 attracted about 24,000 new residents per month. What will keep them in Dubai?
 Malls and world-class restaurants help, but shopping and a movie can be done anywhere. After the novelty of skiing at Dubai Emirates Mall when it is 50 degrees outside wears off and the multiple firsts and feats of engineering no longer amaze, what will keep people from making a short-term gain and then relocating to another market? Culture.The city’s future relies on being able to draw upon the Dubai’s rich cultural heritage and the traditions and expectations its expatriate community imports to form a world that is uniquely Dubai. Dubai is rich in Arabic culture. Artisans, musicians and poets from the UAE are world famous for their contribution to global cultural development.

When a few local expatriates tired of the work-shop-dine pattern and noticed that many expatriates were not aware of the rich culture that surrounded them, they went out to bring the culture to the expatriate community. They wanted to hear live local music and attend events that weren’t about business, wealth, and bravado. Weeks later, Dubai Lime emerged and began to grow exponentially.

Dubai Lime’s philosophy is simple: provide free events for fun people. Using an internet portal Dubai Lime presents free events to its subscriber base. Initially, Dubai Lime was a small group of people using the Dubai Lime network to get together for drinks and a movie night. Since Dubai Lime was born out of a passion for music, the first major event was an open mic night at Bert’s Café in the marina.

The response to Dubai Lime Open Mic was so positive that they will be making it a regular event at multiple locations. Local musicians also responded positively and Dubai Lime is working hard to connect them with each other to create a stronger local music community which includes Arabic, Western and Asian flavors.

Dubai Lime is truly original in that it pushes a strong sense of culture sharing between expatriates and their local hosts. At any event you are likely to see a strong representation of Dubai’s international demographic coming together to enjoy Arabic, Asian, Indian and Western music in a single forum. From the humble beginnings of an Open Mic original music night with a small website the company has developed into a social networking site that links online subscribers to real time events going on in and around Dubai. User rates have grown exponentially every single since its conceptual launch in February and now the company boasts over 1000 active subscribers

When people began to realize that Dubai Lime wasn’t just about money and marketing, they began to present events they’d like to organize. If the event won’t cost the subscriber a single dirham and it isn’t just a pure marketing ploy, Dubai Lime will bring the event to its subscribers. By connecting Dubai Lime’s internet community to physical presence in the form of events, Dubai Lime is one of the small elements establishing itself as a dynamic cultural force in Dubai’s journey towards its destiny as a sustainable global business leader.

Certainly the Dubai Lime founders are amazed, the website has seen subscriber numbers double or even triple every week in Dubai over the past two months. The site does zero online advertising and will not take sponsorships from Tobacco, Alcohol or what they consider as unethical sponsors.

As companies like Dubai Lime mature with Dubai, people will come to view the city’s potential for financial and cultural enrichment, not only reasons to come to Dubai, but as reasons to stay and further their contribution to what will surely be a city that will rival any of the worlds greatest modern cities in both architecture, culture and quality of life for its residents.

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Author: admin
