Renowned Iranian vocalist Salar Aghili Opens New World Music Institute Season

Salar Aghili
One of Iran’s leading vocalists, Salar Aghili, will open the new World Music Institute season on Sunday, September 30, 2012 at 7:00 pm.

This program of highly ornamental, improvisational and meditative music brings together well-known singer Salar Aghili, one of the leading Persian classical vocalists of his generation, with the Hamnavazan Ensemble featuring Hossein Behroozinia (barbat – lute) and Saeed Farajpoury (kamancheh- spike fiddle), two renowned maestros from the Dastan Ensemble; Harir Shariatzadeh (piano, daf – frame drum); and Behnan Masoumi (tombak- goblet drum, daf). Their repertoire features centuries-old Persian music, and new approaches to rarely heard songs of the past century.

Salar Aghili, born in Teheran in 1977, has studied under the guidance of Sediq Taarif and combined training in the vocal repertoire of the old tradition with the delicate contemporary style of master Mohammad Reza Shajarian.

As a young and distinguished vocalist, he has gained attention internationally through his collaboration with musicians, composers and ensembles including the Tehran Symphonic Orchestra, the Iran National Orchestra and the Dastan Ensemble. His extensive credits include prestigious music festivals throughout the world, and acclaimed recordings.

The Hamnavazan Ensemble, now making its New York debut, is dedicated to the perpetuation of Iran’s great musical heritage. The ensemble recently toured North America with Parissa.

Hossein Behroozinia, whose work was described in the LA Times as “spectacular musicianship,” has collaborated with many of the preeminent voices in Persian music such as Mohammad Reza Shajarian, Shahram Nazeri, Sima Bina, Iraj Bastami and Ali-Reza Eftekhari, and was a member of the Mowlana and Araf ensembles. He studied with masters Reza Vahdani, Mansour Nariman and Mohammad Reza Lotfi. Saeed Farajpoury, toured with Mohammad Reza Shajarian and performed with the Sheyda, Aref, Avat, and Ava ensembles; he studied with masters Hassan Kamkar, Mohammad Reza Lotfi and Hossein Alizadeh.

Persian Meditations

Salar Aghili & The Hamnavazan Ensemble
Sunday, September 30, 2012 7:00 PM
Peter Norton Symphony Space, Broadway at 95th Street, NYC
$30, $40; students $20 Box office (212) 864-5400
Info/tickets (212) 545-7536

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.


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