Cover of the album Congo Funk! - Sound Madness From The Shores Of The Mighty Congo River (Kinshasa/Brazzaville 1969-1982),. it is an illustration of two roaring large felines.

“Mfuur Ma” Single from upcoming ‘Congo Funk!’ compilation

Analog Africa has recently released the second single from the upcoming Congo Funk! compilation. Titled “Mfuur Ma,” this track by Groupe Minzoto Ya Zaïre dates back to 1979. Sung in Lingala, it mixes Rumba-Funk rhythms.

Groupe Minzoto Ya Zaïre, beyond being a musical ensemble, served as a socio-cultural theater group comprising nearly 30 young musicians, comedians, and dancers. Their aim was to fuse traditional African cultural values with Western influences.

Minzoto Ya Zaïre, 1979 – From L to R, Pambu Benz, Umba Sorozo and Teto Maquizard. Copyright Analog Africa.

This single is a preview of what to expect from the forthcoming Analog Africa compilation, Congo Funk! – Sound Madness From The Shores Of The Mighty Congo River (Kinshasa/Brazzaville 1969-1982)’, set to be released on April 5, 2024.

Author: World Music Central News Room

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