
Clarianas Explores the Ancestral Brazilian Feminine Voice

Clarianas is a collective of urban vocalists from São Paulo dedicated to exploring the voice of the “ancestral” woman within Brazilian popular music. The vocal expression serves as the narrative thread, unveiling a diverse and authentically Brazilian sonic landscape. This encompasses a spectrum of genres, from indigenous melodies to Aboios Sertanejos, encompassing Brincantes do Côco, Ladainhas of Popular Catholicism, Sambas de Roda, Maracatús, Xotes, Prayers, and African drum rhythms.

The group is led by 3 female singers/actresses/players, Naruna Costa, Naloana Lima and Martinha Soares. Their band varies and normally features fiddle, percussion, bass, and guitar. They perform original songs that document the daily life of the Brazilian peripheral population, the majority of which are black.

Clariana was selected to perform at the Malungo Festival 2023, an in-person and video showcase celebrating Brazilian Black Culture.


Girandêra (Tratore, 2012)
Quebra Quebranto (2019)

Author: Iliana Cabrera


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