Juan José Robles - Transiciones

Spanish Guitar Virtuoso Juan José Robles Unveils Timeless Album Transiciones’

Juan José Robles – Transiciones (2023)

Transiciones is the latest album by one of my favorite instrumentalists from Spain, Juan José Robles. Notably, He skillfully and elegantly keeps the folk guitar traditions of Spain alive, specially the sounds of southeastern Spain. Furthermore, Robles is adding new, exquisite and timeless compositions to the Murcian folk music songbook.

Although the folk music on Transiciones has some modern arrangements, it is done effectively, with finesse, and both the original and traditional pieces are deeply rooted in the folk music of Murcia and other regions of Spain. Specifically, Robles plays instrumental versions of various folk dances and songs of Spain such as jotas, sones and fandangos. In addition, he masterfully incorporates other genres like waltzes, foxtrot, and flavors of Spanish-speaking America.

For guitar lovers, the music of Juan José Robles is a real treat. He uses the Spanish guitar as well as the guitarro tenor, which is a smaller folk guitar from southeastern Spain. However, that’s not all. He also gracefully plays other Spanish string instruments like the laúd (Spanish lute) and bandurria as well as instruments from other parts of the world such as the Mexican jarana (a Mexican guitar derived from Spanish guitars), the mandolin and the Greek bouzouki.

Nonetheless, the guitar feast doesn’t end there. Indeed, Transiciones features prominent guests musicians playing guitarro, cavaquinho (small Portuguese guitar) and acoustic guitar. Furthermore, Robles invited other folk musicians who add lively dulzainas (reed instrument) and exquisite cello.

Correspondingly, there are stellar solo performances throughout the album, as well as beautiful interplay between the various string instruments.

Musicians: Juan José Robles on Spanish guitar, guitarro tenor, laúd, bandurria, jarana, mandolin and bouzouki; R. Enrique González on percussion; Jesús Gea on double bass; José Antonio Herrera on acoustic guitar; Tóbal Rentero on dulzainas; Constantino López on guitarro and acoustic guitar; Tomás García on platillos; Matthieu Saglio on cello; Luís Peixoto on cavaquinho; José Antonio Aarnoutse on Spanish guitar; and Juan Ogalla on zapateado (tap dance).

Buy Transiciones.

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, worldmusiccentral.org and musicasdelmundo.com. In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.

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