Ram Narayan - The Art of Sarangi album cover

The Sarangi, the Ancient Bowed Instrument of South Asia

The sarangi is a traditional stringed musical instrument that is commonly played in South Asia, particularly in India and Nepal. Transitioning to its physical characteristics, it is a bowed instrument with a short neck and a roughly rectangular body. Notably, the body is usually carved from a single piece of wood.

Moving on to its composition and strings, the sarangi typically features three main melody strings made of gut, which are typically tuned a fifth and a fourth apart. Additionally, it may also have a fourth string utilized as a drone. In harmony with the melody strings, the sarangi boasts a number of sympathetic strings that resonate harmoniously. Interestingly, the quantity of these sympathetic strings may vary from one instrument to another.

When it comes to the playing technique, the musician who plays the sarangi is seated and cradles the instrument against their left shoulder in a vertical position. In the art of performance, the sarangi is played with an arched bow held in an underhand grip in the right hand. Intriguingly, the musician employs the cuticles or the space just above the cuticles on the fingernail of the left hand to press against the strings and produce specific pitches.

The Sabri Family – 5 Ragas album cover

Concerning its significance and decline, the sarangi is an important instrument in both Hindustani classical music and folk music. It has a rich and old tradition in India and has been used for centuries. However, during the latter portion of the 19th century and the early 20th century, alternative instruments such as the harmonium and violin emerged, offering greater ease of handling. Consequently, the sarangi and its practitioners gradually dwindled in numbers. Noteworthy efforts have been undertaken by devoted sarangi enthusiasts to safeguard and popularize this instrument, which includes solo performances featuring the sarangi.

Highly regarded sarangi players of the past include Indian musicians Bundu Khan (1880 – 1955), Abdul Latif Khan (1927 – 2003), Sabri Khan (1927 – 2015), Ramesh Mishra (1948 – 2017) and Dhruba Ghosh (1957 – 2017).

Prominent Sarangi Performers

In terms of current living sarangi players, these are skilled sarangi players who have made significant contributions to the instrument and its music.

Pandit Ram Narayan – Possibly the most famous sarangi player of the twentieth century, known for his virtuoso solo performances, internationally success and contributions to the instrument.
Suhail Yusuf Khan – A talented sarangi player who has received awards for his performances. He is the grandson of Sarangi maestro Ustad Sabri Khan
Vidushi Aruna Narayan Kalle – Aruna is the daughter of Ram Narayan. Notably, she is the first Indian woman to professionally play the sarangi.
Harsh Narayan – Harsh is the grandson and disciple of sarangi player Ram Narayan.
Ustad Kamal Sabri – Son of Ustad Sabri Khan.
Kiran Nepali – Sarangi fusion musician from Nepal and a member of the folk ensemble Kutumba.
Manonmani – First female sarangi player of South India. Her parent were dilruba players.

Sarangi Recordings:

Ram Narayan – The Art of Sarangi / L’art Du Sarangi (‎ Ocora France)
The Master Ram Narayan Sarangi (Nimbus Records)
The Sabri Family – 5 Ragas-Sarangis & Tabla (ARC Music)
Ram Narayan and Suresh Talwalkar – Rag Bhupal Tori / Rag Patdip
Ustad Sultan Khan – Art of Sarangi
Ustad Sultan Khan & Pt Raghunath Seth – Jugalbandi – Sarangi & Flute – Hindustani Classical Instrumental Jugalbandi
Shyam Nepali – Himalayan Sounds of Sarangi
Aruna Narayan – Aruna Narayan & Sarangi
Ram Narayan – Rag Shankara / Rag Mala in Jogia
Ustad Sabri Khan – Best of Indian Sarangi
Sarangi: The Music of India

Sarangi Books:

Sarangi Style in Hindustani Music by Nicolas Magriel
Sarangi : The Secret love story by Iram Hussain Baagwan

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, worldmusiccentral.org and musicasdelmundo.com. In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.

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