Dr. Mustafa Raza

The Ancient Vichitra Veena

By Dr. Mustafa Raza

The veena or been is the oldest Indian classical music instrument. It was perfected in design in the 7th Century, but its origin is believed to be around 2000 years back. The vichitra veena is known by several names like tantara veena, shiv veena, shrutee veena, batta, and been, but the most known and popular name is vichitra veena.

The vichitra veena has four main strings, three side strings along with two chikaries and 15 tarabs (sympathetic strings) with a superb range of four octaves. The word “vichitra” means unique and there is no doubt that the instrument is unique, true to its name.

The vichitra veena is believed to be a divine instrument and the music produced through it always devoted to the absolute. The veena has the distinction of being the only plucked instrument that is the purest musical sound, and by legend is the foundation of all arts.

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