Britt Pernille Frøholm - Photo by Kristin Støylen

Britt Pernille Frøholm: A Master of Norwegian Folk Music

Britt Pernille Frøholm is a renowned Norwegian folk musician from Hornindal in Sogn og Fjordane. With a strong foundation in her local folk music tradition, she has become a highly recognized artist and promoter of international musical collaboration in various genres. Her work reflects her creativity, eagerness to learn, and fearless development of new ways of using the hardingfele (Hardander fiddle) and Norwegian folk music. Frøholm has released several critically acclaimed albums, won awards and scholarships, and performed at prestigious festivals worldwide.


Frøholm received her formal music education from Ole Bull Akademiet (1998–2000) and Norges Musikkhøgskole in Oslo. She also holds a Master’s degree in Tradisjonsmusikk from Høgskolen i Telemark, avdeling Rauland (2006). She has studied under the tutelage of Arne M. Sølvberg, Finn Vabø, and her grandfather, Matias Frøholm.

Musical Projects

Frøholm is an accomplished musician who plays the fele and hardingfele, and has performed with various groups, including Kviven duo and Friensemblet. She has also actively worked on three different solo projects, namely Northwest, Resonance, and Poems for Hardanger fiddle. In her work, she has commissioned new works by Norwegian and foreign composers and composed her own Norwegian music in traditional and modern styles.

International Recognition

Over the past ten years, Frøholm has become a well-known musician both nationally and internationally. She has toured major parts of the world with MAAR, Boreas, North Pole Experience, and other collaborations, promoting Norwegian traditional music and hardingfele to a diverse and broad audience. She has also played a vital role in exposing the international community to Norwegian folk music.


Frøholm has released several critically acclaimed albums, showcasing her versatility as a musician. Her debut album, “For allje dei,” focused on the traditional music from Hornindal. In contrast, her album “Land” with North Pole Experience features free improvisation with jazz musicians. In her album “Nordfjord,” Frøholm explores her roots and hometown, delving into the stylistic variations of the local musical heritage.

(headline image: Britt Pernille Frøholm – Photo by Kristin Støylen)


For allje dei ((Ta:lik, 2008)
Medvirkar på Busi Ncube – Salulandela (Etnisk Musikklubb, 2010)
Friensemblet – Undergroove (Giraffa Records, 2012)
MAAR – Vrangsvevd (Ta:lik, 2014)
North Pole Experience – Land (Bislett Beats, 2014)
Friensemblet – El Aaiun-Across the border (Giraffa Records, 2014)
MAAR – Epleslang (Ta:lik, 2015)
Boreas – Ahoy Hoy (ISLE Music Scotland, 2016)
Mehmet Can Özer – Asure from the North (2016)
Poems for Hardanger Fiddle – Fragile, single (Mere Records, 2017)
Britt Pernille Frøholm – Nordfjord (Mere Records, 2017)
Kviven duo – Kvakksalvar-Guri (Kviven Records, 2020)
Britt Pernille Frøholm – Fokhaugen (Kviven Records, 2020)
Britt Pernille Frøholm feat. Sigurd Hole – Årringar (Kviven Records, 2021)

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.

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