Acid Arab- ٣ (𝙏𝙧𝙤𝙞𝙨)

Acid Arab Tops NACC World Music Chart for Week Ending March 28

Trois (Crammed Discs), the album by Acid Arab, topped the NACC North American College and Community radio charts in the world music category for the week ending March 28, 2023.

Trois, an album comprising ten tracks, has garnered a reputation as a collection of energetic and infectious dancefloor songs. Additionally, this album boasts diverse performances by eight guest vocalists hailing from North Africa, Syria, and Turkey. These accomplished artists include Wael Alkak, Cem Yildiz, Ghizlane Melih, Khnafer Lazhar, Sofiane Saidi, Fella Soltana, Cheb Halim, and Rachid Taha.

Buy Trois .

Author: World Music Central News Room

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