cover of Chuvash Stanzas & Songs by DIVA Ethno Future Sound

Chuvash Stanzas & Songs, Debut from DIVA Ethno Future Sound

Russian band DIVA Ethno Future Sound has released an independent debut album titled “Chuvash Stanzas & Songs“. The band’s music is rooted in the traditions of the Chuvash Republic (also known as Chuvashia) in western Russia.

Chuvash stanzas is a type of ancient traditional poetry like Persian rubai, Japanese tanka, or Turkish mani.

The Chuvash songs are about family, fate, daily bread, the beauty and purity of the soul, as well as the sorrows and joys of life.

DIVA Ethno Future Sound was formed in 2019 by well-known Chuvash musician Ruslan Soloviev. The main goal of the ensemble is to preserve and disseminate Chuvash song culture and musical traditions. DIVA’s sound is a mesmerizing mix of charming vocals, beautiful harps, winds and piano.

The band’s name DIVA is an abbreviation made from Chuvash runic symbols.

DIVA Ethno Future Sound

Band members include Natalya Vasilieva (Наталья Васильева) on vocals; Diana Uspenskaya (Диана Успенская) on harp; Alexander Bruni (Александр Бруни) on saxophone and flute; and Ruslan Soloviev (Руслан Соловьев) on piano.

Buy Chuvash Stanzas & Songs

Author: World Music Central News Room

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