Mestre Kenura - Photo by Bruno Marques

Mestre Kenura Presents the Traditions of Capoeira at Mestre dos Saberes Festival

Mestre Kenura presented the music of Brazil’s state of Bahia in December 2021 at the Mestre dos Saberes festival, an event showcasing Brazilian traditional music masters.

Mestre Kenura, born in Itabuna, state of Bahia, started performing capoeira in 1960. Since then, he has dedicated himself to researching and teaching regional capoeira and its musical, choreographic and symbolic universe in which the manifestations of samba de roda, puxada de rede and maculelê stand out.

Throughout his career, he contributed to the strengthening, promotion and preservation of capoeira and the dances associated with it. In 1990, he founded the Água de Menino group, dedicated to teaching and disseminating these arts through workshops, courses, classes and presentations.

The lineup included Mestre Kenura on vocals, berimbau and atabaque; Aline Fernandes on vocals and percussion; Edu Guimarães on accordion and agogô; and Valentina on berimbau, voice, vase and percussion. Producer: Aline Fernandes – Igarapé Cultura e Arte.

(headline image: Mestre Kenura – Photo by Bruno Marques)

Watch other Mestre dos Saberes concerts: Tião Carvalho at Mestre dos Saberes Festival, a Showcase of Traditional Brazilian Music Masters and Lumumba presents Afro-Brazilian rhythms at Mestre dos Saberes Festival.

Author: World Music Central News Room

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