Multiple Concerts and Conferences across Spain on International Flamenco Day 2021

The General Society of Authors and Editors (SGAE) has announced a series called El Latido Flamenco (Flamenco Heartbeat) to celebrate International Flamenco Day on November 16, 2021. The events include concerts, roundtables and a photographic exhibition.

The November 16 anniversary commemorates the proclamation of Flamenco by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. SGAE joins this celebration in 2021 to disseminate what is undoubtedly one of the most representative and international symbols of Spanish culture.

El Latido Flamenco includes events in Madrid, Seville, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Santiago de Compostela and Zaragoza, with live performances by renowned flamenco artists. The series also includes roundtable discussions that will address issues such as the contribution and presence of women in flamenco and the challenges that the genre is currently facing.


November 15; 11.30 a.m.

November 16: time to be determined

El Latido Flamenco will open on Monday, November 15 at the Andalusian Institute of Flamenco in Seville with a roundtable conversation that will feature guitarists and composers Juan Carmona and Tomatito;  choreographer Ana Morales and the president of the XXI Century Flamenco Cultural Association, Pedro María Peña Dorantes, moderated by Cristóbal Ortega (director of the Andalusian Institute of Flamenco). The session will conclude with a performance by singer Pedro ‘el Granaíno’, accompanied on guitar by Manuel Parrilla.

One day later, (time to be determined), the Ágora Space, headquarters of the Andalusian Flamenco Ballet, will host the dance talk ¡Ahora bailo yo! (Now I dance!) by Leonor Leal. 


November 15; from 17:00 to 19:00 (5-7 p.m.)

On Monday, November15, at 5:00 pm, the headquarters of the SGAE in Madrid will host the roundtable called Flamencas y mucho más (Flamenco women and more). After the opening by Elvira López Hidalgo (one of the leaders of performing arts presenter Círculo Flamenco and director of the documentary Flamencas: fatigas dobles); singers and composers Sandra Carrasco and Naika Ponce; choreographer Carmen Cortés; and guitarist and composer Antonia Jiménez will analyze the contribution of women in flamenco, their importance in oral transmission and their future challenges.

At the end of this discussion, SGAE will inaugurate the photographic exhibition Transmisiones  (Transmissions) curated by Juan Carmona (guitarist, composer and member of the Board of Directors of the SGAE). The free admission exhibit will be available November 15 to 28 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., in the Ana Diosdado Garden of the SGAE headquarters. Transmisiones displays a series of photographs of some of the most relevant flamenco artists of all time, accompanied by the sound of a flamenco cajón that symbolizes the beat of flamenco. The exhibition brings together a selection of 25 images of authors from different generations such as Sabicas, La Niña de los Peines, Carmen Amaya, Carmen Linares, Enrique Morente, Camarón de la Isla, Paco de Lucía, Estrella Morente, Mayte Martín, Miguel Poveda , La Tremendita and Rosalía.

Immediately after the exhibit inauguration, El Latido Flamenco will present a live performance by acclaimed singer Kiki Morente and legendary guitarist Pepe Habichuela will offer a musical performance.


November 16; 12.30 pm

The SGAE headquarters in Barcelona will host the discussion Retos para el flamenco: registro sonoro, estética musical y vanguardia (Flamenco Challenges for flamenco: sound recording, musical aesthetics and avant-garde) on Tuesday, November 16 in its Mompou Room, at 12:30 pm. Laura García -Lorca (president of the Federico García Lorca Foundation) and Joan Albert Amargós (composer, musician and arranger), led by Carolina Le Port (consultant and cultural creator), will examine the current challenges of flamenco with a look at the past and the vision towards the future. Challenges such as the need to take care of this genre so that it continues to generate new structures, or the commitment to new creations.


November 16; 18:00 (6:00 pm)

In Valencia, the Sala SGAE Centro Cultural will present on November 16, at 6:00 p.m., a program around various Valencia-based artists whose main hallmark is flamenco spirit and art. Under the title El flamenco: presente y futuro, Juan de Pilar (guitarist and composer) and Nacho Mañó (composer, producer and member of the SGAE Board of Directors), moderated by the journalist Sergio Moreno, will discuss the situation that flamenco is currently going through in Spain and abroad.

A live performance will take place after the discussion with Juan de Pilar (guitar), Ana Lloris (dance), Christian Miguel Ángel (vocals), and Sergio Martínez (percussion).

Santiago de Compostela

November 16; 20:30 (8:30 pm)

El Latido Flamenco will present a live show on Tuesday, November at SGAE’s Sala Germán Coppini in Santiago de Compostela at 8:30 p.m. The concert will feature guitarist Marcos Teira together with drummer, and percussionist Ton Risco, celebrated instrumentalists in the field of flamenco, who extend their sound palette to styles such as jazz, world music, and improvised music.


November 16: 20 (4:00 pm)

The show titled Miradas flamencas, will take place at the Sala Rock & Blues venue in Zaragoza, at 8:00 pm, and will feature guitarists Alejandro Monserrat and Nacho Estévez ‘El Niño’; violinist Noelia Gracia; and dancer Carlota Benedí.

More about Flamenco

Author: World Music Central News Room

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