Matthew Montfort Releases ‘Sympathetic Serenade for Scalloped Fretboard Guitar’

American guitarist and founder of world fusion act Ancient Future bandleader, Matthew Montfort has released a music video titled Sympathetic Serenade for Scalloped Fretboard Guitar. On his birthday, Montfort was the inaugural performer for the Alternate Reality Concerts from the Ancient Future. This first video release from the concert series is also the first to feature Matthew Montfort’s custom Martin scalloped fretboard guitar.

In this live video Monfort revisits Sympathetic Serenade for Scalloped Fretboard Guitar’ expanding on the use of the melodic elements of Rag Bhairavi and mixes in chordal structures from Spanish guitar music.

Montforst discography includes Visions of a Peaceful Planet (1979), Natural Rhythms (1984), * Quiet Fire (1986), World Without Walls (1990), Dreamchaser (1998), Asian Fusion (1993), Planet Passion (2002), Seven Serenades for Scalloped Fretboard Guitar (2009).

Author: World Music Central News Room

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