Festival International de Louisiane 2021 to Combine Virtual and In-Person Concerts

Festival International de Louisiane has announced its plans for pivoting the 2021 event in a way that continues to celebrate the local Louisiana roots music and international world music as well as arts, food and various cultures. In 2021, Festival International de Louisiane will not be able to present its usual format. Instead, it will combine virtual with live / immersive experiences in Downtown Lafayette, plus community-centered components.

Jupiter & Okwess, one of the bands that performed in a past edition of the festival

Our plan is to build upon the momentum we had last year for Virtual Fest and give our supporters and community, near and far, a beacon of light and a reminder that together, through our music and culture, we are all united.” said Executive Director, Scott Feehan. “Festival is our very own unique celebration that we can all be proud of, and we want to continue sharing the magic that unites us. Let’s stick together and get through these difficult times by leaning on each other. It is our hope that this spring, you will join us in supporting our artists, artisans, musicians, restaurants, bars, and businesses more than ever.”

Festival International will once again put the talent of Lafayette onto a global virtual stage combined with some of the finest talent from around the world, while also sharing memories of past festivals.

The theme for Festival 2021 is commUNITY, and this message is at the forefront of every angle of the planned event.


April 1 – 30, 2021: FEASTival International – a month of Festival food
April 23 – 25, 2021: Virtual / Immersive Fest

More at festivalinternational.org

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central

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