The Fantastic Orquesta Failde, Flamekeeper of the Family Musical Tradition

Orquesta Failde – Failde con Tumbao (Egrem, 2020)

Failde con Tumbao is the third album from one of Cuba’s finest dance orchestras, Orquesta Failde. The ensemble specializes in various Cuban musical forms, including danzón and is led by flute player and arranger Ethiel Failde, the great-great grandson of the outstanding Miguel Faílde, widely credited as the creator of the danzón. [read more about danzon]

Failde con Tumbao is a brilliant album that celebrates the best of Cuban traditional and modern ballroom dance music. Orquesta Failde’s dynamic and irresistible music exemplifies Cuban music by bringing together Spanish and Afro-rooted dance traditions.

Failde con Tumbao features the talented members of Orquesta Failde along with special guests: singer Omara Portuondo on “Me desordeno”, violinist Federico Britos on “Concierto en Varsovia”, trumpeter Julito Padrón on “Havana” and pianist Alejandro Falcón on Concierto en “Concierto en Varsovia.”

The album includes traditionally arranged songs from various Cuban songwriters along with the first performance of the piece, “Nievecita,” composed by Ethiel’s ancestor Miguel Failde in 1883.

Orquesta Failde includes Ethiel Failde on flute; Yurisán Hernández on lead vocals in 2, 8 and backing vocals; Yerlanis Junco on lead vocals in 3, 6, 7 and backing vocals; Roldany Hernández on piano in 2, 3, 5, 6; Andy Cantera on double bass on 5, 6, and electric bass on 1 and 3; Rosalí Bazán and Roldany Hernández on violins; Katerina Pérez on second violin in 5, 8 and 11; Lucio Carriera on tumbadora (conga) in all tracks except 3; Rey Manuel Silveira on timbal on all tracks except 3 and 8; Manuel Alejandro Acosta on trumpets; Adrián Peña on trombone; Mario Rodríguez on alto saxophone and clarinet; Wilbert Tarajano on backing vocals; and producer and composer Pedro Pablo Cruz on backing vocals.

Additional guest musicians: Lázaro Rivero (El Fino) on double bass in 4; Andrés Coayo on percussion and güiro in all tracks and timbal in 3 and 12; Lázaro Antonio González (Tonito) on lead trumpet in 7 and 8; José Antonio González (Tony) on keyboards and synthesizers in 1; Jorge Coayo on maracas and tumbadoras in 3; and Roberto Vázquez (El Chino) on baby bass in 2, 7 and 8.

Buy Failde con Tumbao from our Amazon affiliate store

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.

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