Artist Profiles: Mafalda Arnauth

Mafalda Arnauth

Mafalda Arnauth, born in Lisbon in October of 1974, was one of the great new sensations in fado in the late 1990s. She started her career in 1995 when invited by Joao Braga (an important fado singer) to participate in a concert at S. Luis’s Theater. What initially seemed to be a single experience, turned out to be a way of life.

Today her value is recognized, not only in Portugal but also in many foreign countries, where her presence is regularly requested.

Mafalda Arnauth, her first album released in 1999, was immediately acclaimed by specialists and won the Prize for Best Upcoming Voice by the weekly magazine Blitz, a sign that new generations are back into fado.

After a year filled with concerts and important invitations, that took her to the most important concert halls in The Netherlands, the Louisiana Centre (Denmark) and to Italy, to perform in the festival Sete-Sois, Sete-Luas, an important Mediterranean folk music event, she sang at Centro Cultural de Belem, where she was warmly acclaimed by the press.

Mafalda Arnauth

Mafalda’s second album, Esta voz que me atravessa (This voice that goes through me) was released in 2001 and was produced by Amelia Muge and Jose Martins. Her album Encantamento was self-produced. She feels it “leaves fatality, disgrace, and nostalgia behind. Hope is fed on sadness; inspiration on suffering; strength and courage on difficulties.”

Mafalda Arnauth (EMI, 1999)
Esta Voz Que Me Atravessa (EMI, 2001)
Encantamento (EMI, 2003)
Diário (Universal Music Portugal, 2005)
Flor De Fado (Universal Music Portugal, 2008)
Rua Da Saudade – Canções De Ary Dos Santos (Farol, 2009)
Fadas (Universal Music Portugal, 2010)
Terra Da Luz (Warner Bros. Music Ltd. 2013)
Pessoa (Coast to Coast, 2013)
Mafalda Arnauth & Atlantihda (Sony Music, 2015)

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.


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