Artist Profiles: Brigada Victor Jara

Brigada Victor Jara in 2016

Brigada Victor Jara was formed in Coimbra, Portugal in 1974, following the April 25 revolution, in which traditional music had played an inspiring part. The band took its name from the Chilean folk singer murdered by the military after the Pinochet coup of 1973.

Over the years, the members of Brigada have collected music from every region in Portugal and their live performances reflect this diversity, with striking and rhythmic tunes from the far north, beautiful harmonies from the Alentejo and-even music from abroad brought by immigrants from places as contrasting as North Africa and Scotland.

Today, Brigada Victor Jara is considered by many to be the “reference group” in Portuguese new traditional music. Gradually, instruments have been added and creative arrangements have been made, both ensuring that their music is not merely reproducing or mimicking the tradition.

As an old Brigada admirer once said, “Victor Jara would certainly be proud“.

Although the lineup has varied considerably throughout the years, the original lineup featured Fernando Jorge Seabra, Amílcar Cardoso, Jorge Santos, João Ferreira, Né Ladeiras, Joaquim Caixeiro and Zé Maria.


Eito Fora (Mundo Novo, 1977)
Tamborileiro (Mundo Novo, 1979)
Quem Sai Aos Seus (Vadeca, 1981)
Marcha Dos Foliões (Valentim de Carvalho, 1982)
Eito Fora ‎(Mundo Novo, 1983)
Contraluz (CBS, 1984)
Monte Formoso (MBP, 1989)
Danças E Folias ‎(Farol Música, 1995)
Novas Vos Trago ‎(Tradisom, 1998)
Por Sendas, Montes E Vales ‎(Farol, 2000)
Ceia Louca ‎(Universal Music Portugal, 2006)
O Brigada, Discografia Completa da Brigada Victor Jara 40 Anos (Tradisom, 2015)

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.


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