Artist Profiles: Alpha Yaya Diallo

Alpha Yaya Diallo

Alpha Yaya Diallo is a formidable guitar player. He was born in Guinea-Conakry and has been playing since the age of 12. While in college he became bandleader for the Sons of Rais, the University of Conakry band. Alpha toured with them extensively throughout West Africa. After graduation he went on to perform with Love Systems, Kaloum Star, rumba band Bembeya Jazz and Sorsornet Rhythm.

After moving to Europe, he was quickly invited to join the international African band Fatala. With them he toured the festival and concert circuit in Germany, Italy, the UK, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Belgium. Diallo also played various folk and jazz festivals across Canada and fell in love with the country. He now makes his home in Vancouver.

Since 1992, Diallo has a Canada-based multi-cultural band called Baffing formed by Xerxes Gohbai, Thierry Matumona, Aboubarou Cumana, Yamoussa Cumana, Aicha Sylla, and Eliot Polsky.

Diallo is of a new generation of West African musicians born outside of the caste of jalis (musician storytellers) who once held exclusive rights to the art, which offers him a sense of liberation heretofore unknown. While his music draws greatly from the classic repertoire of his ancestors he still manages to reflect the sounds of the modern world, reminding us of that even traditions evolve. One can hear in Diallo’s music the sounds of Cuban rhythms brought back to West Africa by big bands in the 1950s. There is also the Cape Verdean music that Diallo would listen to when visiting relatives in Senegal as a child, the influence of contemporary North America where he makes his home, and traditional sounds of the ancient court music of the Manding Empire.

His albums The Message, The Journey and African Guitar Summit won Juno awards in Best World Music Album category.


Néné (Bafing Productions, 1993)
Futur (Bafing Productions, 1996)
The Message (Bafing Productions, 1998)
The Journey (Jericho Beach Music)
African Guitar Summit (CBC Recordings, 2004)
Djama (Jericho Beach Music, 2005)
Immé (Jericho Beach Music, 2010)

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.

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