Tomás Fernández Soto, initially known as Tomás de Perrate and later as simply Perrate, was born June 6th, 1964 in Utrera (Sevilla province), Spain into a gypsy family of traditional flamenco singers. He is the son of José Fernández Granados (Perrate de Utrera) and Tomasa Soto Loreto (daughter of the mythical cantaor Manuel Torres).
He always developed his art inside the family field but since the Christmas of the year 1999/2000 he began to externalize his feeling about the “cante” (flameno song). His first participation with other members of his family was embodied on a recording with the title Christmas in Utrera, where he sang the endearing song “Los Campanilleros” of Manuel Torres; with this record, he first stepped inside the “cante.”
Although he had never sung in front of an audience he went to a fiesta where among the artists was the dean of flamenco journalism Miguel Acal. After he listened to Tomas, he wrote about him: “He sang bulerias for four minutes. He’s inexperienced, very inexperienced, but he’s a lot of diamond carats, diamonds like his father and grandfather are assembled on his voice, the sweetness and the solemn, rhythm of the father and the enervated echo of the grandfather”
The opinion of Manuel Acal and some other artists such as Lebrijano, Pedro Peña, Miguel Funi, Antonio Moya, Dorantes and Gaspar de Utrera encouraged Tomas to investigate rehearse the cantes and put them into practice.
Tomas made his first important performance in the Mont de Marian’s Festival (France) with Pepa Benito and Manuel de Paula called “Raices de Luz, in year 2000. He also participated in the “Potaje Gitano de Utrera” at the first ‘Feria Mundial de Flamenco de Sevilla.”
Apart from other recitals for some official entities of Andalusian flamenco like Casabermeja (Malaga) Sociedad del Cante Grande (Algeciras) El Taranto (Almeria) and El Piyayo (Malaga) he also participates in the flamenco series put together by the Diputacion de Sevilla (regional government office).
He was the artistic director of the tribute offered to Perrate de Utrera, successfully celebrated during the second Feria Mundial de Flamenco de Sevilla.
He received the award Giraldillo al artista revelacion at the Bienal de Flamenco 2002 for his performance in a show called “Campina;” this prize is offered by the specialized critics and an expert commission of the organization. This award promoted Tomas and allowed him to sing in a multitude of festivals and theatres.
Some years ago Tomas took part in the flamenco activities organized by the Andalusian Tourism Office for the visitors consisting of workshops courses and conferences besides recitals and concerts with other artists, though the collaboration with the distinguished pianist Dorantes stands out.
On July 2003 he added to his artistic talent the lecturer facet thanks to his profound knowledge of El Cante de Utrera de ayer y de hoy, and as a complete artist he illustrated his words with his songs accompanying himself with the guitar. He gave his first conference at the Mont de Marsan’s Festival,L’Ecole de musique et danse”.
In March 2004 he was invited by the Department of Romance languages and literatures at Harvard together with Antonio Moya, Ramon Soler and Pierre Lefranc.
In September 2007 he was invited to participate at the XIII Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla, at the opening show of the Festival together with Chocolate, Bernarda de Utrera, Miguel Funi, Pepa de Benito and Angelita Vargas, where Tomas appeared as a key figure recovered for the cante and a consecrated new talent.
The same year he met a person that would undoubtedly be a fundamental pillar in his life and his artistic career, Ricardo Pachon and together with his inseparable companion Antonio Moya, they decided to pay homage to a poem of Carlos Lencero that says:
So fast in Jerez
That I could not
So slowly in Triana
Drunkard in Utrera
Came to me the will
And with the collaboration of great musicians and great friends they invented Perraterias, the first album of Tomas de Perrate and soon it was on sale on December 2005.
On February 4, 2006, Tomas received the National Flamencos Hoy Revelacion al cante award for his Perraterias album.
Since then, he has been spreading his art throughout the nation with his show named as his album Perraterias accompanied by flamenco guitars electric guitars bass drums claps and sometimes dance. Or offering recitals that are more classical with an ensemble composed by voice guitar and handclaps.
Utrera Flamenca (Fods, 2003)
Perraterias (Flamenco vivo, 2005)
Infundio (Rootsound Music, 2011)
ZA! + Perrate – Jolifanto (Lovemonk, 2024)