Artist Profiles: Phong Nguyen

Phong Nguyen

Phong Nguyen is one of the foremost exponents of Vietnamese music in the West and a recipient of the National Heritage Fellowship, the United States’ highest honor for achievement in the traditional arts awarded at the White House (1997).

Raised in the Mekong Delta of South Vietnam, he comes from a family of prominent musicians conversant in musical genres that span the Vietnamese musical spectrum from theatrical to chamber music folk songs to Buddhist chants. He is a traditionally-trained musician who studied with a village master from the age of five.

At the age of 13 he took up Vietnamese theater music and went on to perform both tai tu music, a more formal entertainment musical tradition. He also studied with mountain tribal musicians and learned the bamboo instruments. He left his native land in 1974 and went on to receive his doctorate in ethnomusicology from the Sorbonne University. Since moving to the United States he has performed extensively throughout the United States Asia and Europe and taught at the University of Washington, U.C.L.A. and Kent State University. He can be heard on the Lyrichord, New Alliance Records and Music of the World/World Music Institute labels.

Nguyen points out that because the separation of social classes is minimal in Vietnamese culture folk music and art music share many traits and are more similar than in Western societies. “The folk music is principally vocal” he says explaining their differences. “Meanwhile in art music there’s vocal and instrumental music together. Folk songs are sung without accompaniment. They’re chanted in the fields while people are working. They don’t bring instruments with them.”

While he is competent on many Vietnamese instruments, he often focuses on the 17-string dan tranh zither and the two-string dan nguyet (long-necked “moon” lute).


Traditional Music of Vietnam (Lyrichord)
Vietnamese Music in France & the United States (World Music Enterprises)
Song of the Banyan (Music of the World/World Music Institute)

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.


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