Mestizo Music and Bicycle Advocacy

Bicicletas Por La Paz - Musica Por Puppets
Bicicletas Por La Paz – Musica Por Puppets

Bicicletas Por La Paz

Musica Por Puppets (independent release, 2015)

Bicicletas Por La Paz {Bicycles for Peace) is a collective of musicians, bicycle activists and street performers based in Oakland (California). They perform a mestizo mix of reggae en español, ska, funk, as well as mariachi trumpets, surf and blues guitar and a certain zaniness that would feel perfectly in place in a Robert Rodriguez or Quentin Taratino film.

The lyrics are in English and Spanish and most have a connection. For example “Gigante Elefante” (which would have sounded better in Spanish as Elefante Gigante) refers to the dangerous situations faced by bike riders, avoiding vehicles who sometimes drive cyclists off the road. The songs sometimes get a little quirky like the song about the squirrels and chipmunks stealing chestnuts.

Guitarist and singer Adley Penner clarifies that Bicicletas Por La Paz is a band, but is also part of the bike support movement, in favor of for people who use bicycles as their main transportation. The group carries its gear on its bicycles, set up and perform using small amplifiers and speakers as well as a drum set that folds in on itself. Even when the band goes on tour, they do it on bicycles. They tour this way throughout the United States and in Mexico.


Bicicletas Por La Paz
Bicicletas Por La Paz


In addition to music, Bicicletas Por La Paz provides a circus-style show with jugglers, skits, and dancers who engage with the audience. “We like the audience to take part and become involved in it all,” says Adley Penner.

One of the group’s next projects is to support a community center in Colombia for the displaced. Adley and vocalist Carolyn Herlehy have a pedal-powered smoothie business in the San Francisco Bay Area, called Eazy Breezy Bike Smoothie, Around half of the profits go to the center in Colombia.

In Oakland, the Bicicletas Por La Paz collective operates a community kitchen called the Peoples Kitchen, programs local bike tours, and street events.

The current band members include Adley Penner on guitar and vocals; Tomás Salcedo on guitar; Dustin Smurthwaite on bass; Dan Schwartz on drums; Emily Bondor on vocals; Lauren Monheim on vocals; Carolyn Herlehy on vocals and theatrics; and Mega Kalidescope on theatrics.



Bicicletas Por La Paz will be celebrating the release of Musica Por Puppets and their commendable cause with a performance on August 29 at Great American Music Hall in San Francisco.

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.


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