1. Best Promotion of Flamenco
‘Corral de la Morería’
2. Best dissemination of Flamenco in the media
3. Best book
“La Repompa de Málaga” – Paco Roji, Ramón Soler Díaz and Paco Fernández
4. Best DVD
“Real” by Miguel Poveda
5. Best male dancer (bailaor)
Manuel Liñán
6. Best female dancer (bailaora)
Mercedes Ruíz
7. Best Record Producer
José Quevedo ‘Bolita’ – “Un viaje por el cante” de Argentina
8. Best Instrumental Album
“Sin Muros!” by David Peña Dorantes
9. Best Guitar Accompaniment
Miguel Ángel Cortés
10. Best Album by an Upcoming Singer (first album)
“Sólo Flamenco” by José Valencia
11. Best Solo Guitar Album
“Cambio de sentido” – Dani De Morón
12. Best Cante (Vocal) Album
“Un viaje por el cante” by Argentina
Author: World Music Central News Room
World music news from the editors at World Music Central