Kiko Veneno, Obrint Pas and Kepa Junkera Headliners at Fira Mediterrània 2013

Fira_Mediterrania_2013International music conference and showcase Fira Mediterrània has announced the headliners for the 2013 event. The expo will take place November 7-10, 2013 in Manresa (Catalonia, Spain).

This year’s guest artist, Jordi Savall, is joined by Kiko Veneno, the band from Valencia Obrint Pas and Basque accordionist Kepa Junkera. Other highlights include the large production ‘Músiques en terres de cruïlla’ [literally, ‘Musics in Lands of Crossroads’], featuring leading artists from various parts of Spain and the Mediterranean such as Carmen París from Aragón, the Quicos from the Ebro valley, Pep Gimeno ‘Botifarra’ and Pau Alabajos from Valencia, Miquela Lladó from Mallorca and Claudio Gabriel Sanna from Alghero (Sardinia).

More information at:

Author: World Music Central News Room

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