9th Annual Encuentro NYC Colombian Music Festival

On November 10th, 2012, New Yorkers will be able to experience the traditional, jazz, rock, dance, classical, and urban sounds of Colombia as Pablo and Ana Mayor present the 9th annual Encuentro NYC Colombian Music festival. Colombian musicians join on one stage as they do each year, in a celebration of Colombia’s rich traditions and modern innovations through the expression of New York-based Colombian artists. The festival will feature six hours of back-to-back performances featuring the rhythms of cumbia, puya, currulao, joropo, and bambuco, among many other styles, both as they have developed in New York and in their traditional root forms

This year, the energy will reach new heights with the newest voice on the world stage, Maku Soundsystem (featured at Globalfest 2011). Their driving rhythms are grounded in Afro-Colombian traditions and their gaitas come from Colombia’s indigenous heritage, as they present their music with the freedom of young Colombians hailing from urban Queens.

The annual Encuentro/Encounter of Colombian Musicians in New York music festival, founded by Colombian bandleader, pianist, and composer Pablo Mayor and his wife flutist Ana Povich de Mayor, continues its effort to provide a platform for Colombian artists in New York to present their art, while bringing these treasures to the attention of the international audience.

The festival coincides with PAMAR’S Latin American Culture Week, using the opportunity to showcase Colombia’s rich musical heritage and developments to the broader international and Hispanic community. The six-hour extravaganza will begin with a dinner set featuring the sophisticated Andean sounds of Alejandro Flórez-Tibaguí, gaita, bullerengue, and other Afro-Colombian rhythms with Grupo Rebolú (for those who wish to dance from the beginning), New Orleans jazz-with-a-Colombian twist (drummer Martin Vejarano’s Chia’s Dance Party), Caribbean vallenato with Alejandro Zuleta Vallenato Collective, and other artists ranging from rock to classical guitar (including Lucía Pulido’s right-hand man Sebastián Cruz and his Cheap Landscape trio), gradually transforming as the night unfolds into an all-out dance party with Pablo Mayor’s driving Folklore Urbano Orchestra and the wildly fun Gregorio Uribe Big Band.

Special guests to include Limon Dance Company’s Daniel Fetecua and his Pajarillo Pinta’o Dance Company.

Saturday 11.10.12

9th Annual Encuentro NYC Colombian Music Festival

with Lucia Pulido
Sebastián Cruz Cheap Landscape Trio
Martin Vejarano-Chia’s Dance Party
Nilko Andreas Guarín
Alejandro Flórez- Tibaguí
Alejandro Zuleta Vallenato Collective
Pablo Mayor’s Folklore Urbano Orchestra
Daniel Fetecua and Pajarillo Pinta’o Dance Company
Gregorio Uribe Big Band
M.A.K.U. SoundSystem
Grupo Rebolú

3:30pm doors | 4:00pm show
$20 GA | $15 for minors at the door
18+ or accompanied by legal guardian
This is a general admission, standing event.
Le Poisson Rouge: www.lprnyc.com
158 Bleecker Street | New York
Ticket Hotline: 866 55 TICKETS

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


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