Round Dance Grooves

Northern Cree - Dancerz Groove: Cree Round Dance Songs
Northern Cree

Dancerz Groove (Canyon Records CR-6503, 2012)

Northern Cree, the popular Canadian First Nations group has a new round dance album titled Dancerz Groove. Northern Cree is currently one of the most successful acts in the North American pow-wow circuit.

The prolific drum group from western Canada gets crowds dancing with their infectious round dance jams. Dancerz Groove contains songs about love, heartache and Native pride.

Steve Wood, and his brothers Randy and Earl Wood founded the Northern Cree Singers in 1982. Although the group originated from the Saddle Lake Cree Nation, it is currently made up of members from the Treaty 6 area, most notably the Frog Lake Cree Nation, Onion Lake Cree Nation, Samson Cree Nation, Louis Bull Cree Nation, and the Poundmaker Cree Nation.

Dancerz Groove is destined to be another hit in the ‘pow-wow trail.’

Author: Angel Romero

Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, and In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.


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