Austrian World Music Band Hotel Palindrone to Release Jodulator 3000

Hotel Palindrone - Jodulator
In a few days time Austrian band Hotel Palindrone is set to present its 4th album titled Jodulator 3000 (Pocket Sized Sun Records). The album features their adventurous and fresh interpretations of European roots and their own Austrian folk tradition along with many self penned tunes.

Jodulator 3000 is a glimpse into the future: 1000 years from now human kind and its music have fallen into oblivion – the worlds soundscapes are dominated by a new mighty species: highly intelligent multidimensional cyborgs – Jodulators!

Line-up: Albin Paulus – Clarinet, jew’s harp, bagpipes, bombarde, vocals & yodelling; Stephan Steiner – 5-string fiddle, nyckelharpa, hurdy-gurdy, diatonic accordion, vocals; John Morrissey – Valisette, bouzouki, guitar; Peter Natterer – Bass, saxophone, piano, ocarina, blofeld synth., beat-boxing

Guest musicians: Robin Gillard – Drums on 9, drumloops and clarabuka on 4; Ian Smith – Deep voice on 12 and 14

Author: World Music Central News Room

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