Jodulator 3000 is a glimpse into the future: 1000 years from now human kind and its music have fallen into oblivion – the worlds soundscapes are dominated by a new mighty species: highly intelligent multidimensional cyborgs – Jodulators!
Line-up: Albin Paulus – Clarinet, jew’s harp, bagpipes, bombarde, vocals & yodelling; Stephan Steiner – 5-string fiddle, nyckelharpa, hurdy-gurdy, diatonic accordion, vocals; John Morrissey – Valisette, bouzouki, guitar; Peter Natterer – Bass, saxophone, piano, ocarina, blofeld synth., beat-boxing
Guest musicians: Robin Gillard – Drums on 9, drumloops and clarabuka on 4; Ian Smith – Deep voice on 12 and 14
Author: World Music Central News Room
World music news from the editors at World Music Central