Arto participated in the Grammy award winning album Miho, Journey to the Mountain (Living Music LMU-42, 2010)
Miho, Journey to the Mountain celebrates I.M. Pei’s Miho Museum in the Shigaki Mountains of Japan. Winter was asked by Shumei, a Japanese organization dedicated to beauty in the arts, natural agriculture, and spiritual healing, to create a musical celebration of the Museum.
Arto can be heard on various recordings including those of Chet Baker The Best Thing For You, Arthur Blythe Hipmotism and Night Song, Jim Pepper The Path, Marc Johnson Right Brain Patrol and Magic Labyrinth, Dino Saluzzi Mojotor, Al Di Meola World Sinfonia, Heart of the Immigrants and Kiss My Axe, Bob Berg Virtual Reality and
Riddles, Hank Roberts Little Motor People, Mike Mainieri An American Diary, Joe Zawinul Stories of the Danube and My People, Oregon Oregon 97, Paul Winter &The Earth Band Journey With The Sun, flamenco guitar master Gerardo Núñez’s Calima and many other great recordings.
Buy Miho: Miho, Journey to the Mountain
Author: World Music Central News Room
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