Nu-folk Sensation Rachel Sermanni to Perform at Celtic Connections 2011

Rachel Sermanni
Carrbridge singer-songwriter Rachel Sermanni will be performing on Sunday, January 23rd at 1pm at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Strathclyde Suite. Inspired at an early age by both Scottish traditional music and Robert Burns’s poetry, the Sermanni has sparked quite a buzz during 2010, being invited by Mumford and Sons’ Ben Lovett to feature on the nu-folk showcase album Communion, and supporting Oxford-based hipsters Stornoway on tour.

Here she explores, both literally and metaphorically, the theme of ‘tramping’ – a deliberately old-school term for the roaming in wild places that Sermanni has loved since childhood. A mix of previously-written and brand new songs also incorporates a classical-tinged instrumental sequence, composed for fiddles, piano, guitar and bass.

Sunday, January 23rd at 1pm
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Strathclyde Suite

Celtic Connections tickets are available at:

By phone 0141 353 8000
In person Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
2 Sauchiehall Street
Glasgow, G2 3NY
City Halls and Old Fruitmarket
Glasgow, G1 1NQ

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


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