Los Muñequitos in Cubadisco with De palo p’rumba

Los Muñequitos de  Matanzas
Los Muñequitos de Matanzas

Author: Bárbara Vasallo Vasallo

Matanzas, Cuba – The recognized Cuban folk group, Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, shows up again in the list of the nominees of the 2009 Cubadisco International Festival to be held next May.

The recent production of the group directed by professor Diosdado Ramos, is a tribute to indispensable figures of the percussion and rumba, who were very related to this group, such as Esteban Vega (Chachá), Victoriano Espinosa and Inés Mesa.

De palo p’ rumba, theme that gives the name to the record, made by Freddy Alfonso, current "quinto" of the group, is an evidence of the skills in the execution of the instrument. The record also includes Ta´ José, El tren, Macorina and other numbers, all of them new, made by Rafael Navarro and José Andro Mella.

This is the fifth record that Los Muñequitos record with Bis Music, before that recorded the total hit La Rumba soy yo, Latino Grammy award winner in 2001, Rumba de Corazón, award winner in Cubadisco and Tambor de Fuego with designs of the maestro Alberto Lescay Merencio.

Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, Honour Award winner of the 2008 Cuban great record companies’ party, recorded recently together with maestro Frank Fernandez the original work Guguanpiano, tribute of the famous pianist to his Spanish and African origins.

Ramos said to AIN that, as always, he expects the public acceptance to their new record, which will be launched soon in Havana City and Matanzas, as well as in Santiago de Cuba, celebrating the 50 anniversary of the folk group of Santiago province.

Translation: Rodney Lopez (Cubarte)

Source: AIN/Cubarte

Author: World Music Central News Room

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