Heineken TransAtlantic Festival 2009 Season Finale with CuCu Diamantes and Tinariwen

On Saturday, April 25th the Heineken TransAtlantic Festival presents the final night of the festival with CuCu Diamantes (of Yerba Buena) and Malian desert blues sensation Tinariwen at North Beach Bandshell in Miami Beach.

CuCu Diamantes’s solo project, with producer, composer and musician Andres Levin on guitar, builds on the sound of Yerba Buena, the band that redefined New York’s Latin Groove. CuCu brings similar energy to her new solo project, combing jazz savvy and vintage glamour with the sly grit of New York, a touch of cabaret, and the pulse of Afro-Cuban beats.

Tinariwen are nomadic Tuareg guitar-poets from Mali’s southern Sahara. Their music carries the message of freedom and resistance among their people, and formed the soundtrack to the 1990 Tuareg rebellions in Mali and Niger. Their sound is traditional tribal melodies transposed to electric guitar, mixed with blues, rock, pop, Berber and Arabic influences – a modern desert rock.

Tinariwen have won countless awards for Best CD of the Year in polls around the world and a prestigious BBC Award for World Music. They also co-founded the seminal Festival in the Desert in 2001 in Timbuktu. They are visiting Miami Beach after Coachella Festival.

Buy the Tinariwen CDs and DVD:

Author: World Music Central News Room

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