Cubadisco 2009 Around the Corner

Puerto Rican musician Edwin Colón Zayas
Puerto Rican musician Edwin Colón Zayas
Author: Jesús Francisco Yagués Crespo

It is of no surprise that this year, before the start of the activities of the Cubadisco 2009 International fair in the Cuban capital, the provincial Cubadiscos will coincide with the holiday week of the primary schools. Between the 27th of April and the 3rd of May, music and children will become the main topic of this event that has, since 1997, the main goal of promoting record productions of national and foreign agencies with representations in Cuba. The fact that this time Cubadisco 2009 is dedicated to the musical creations for the smaller ones in the family, shows the worry, by the organizers, of showing how music has been merged with the Cuban education to achieve an aesthetic growth of high level in the formation of the students.

As usual, several galas and tributes will be held as part of the program of the general event: the traditional Award Ceremony, that will be held the 16 of May, at 8-30pm at the Carlos Marx Theatre, while the opening Ceremony will be held the 17 of May at 5pm at the “Amadeo Roldán” Auditorium Theatre and the Closing ceremony at the same theatre the 24 of May at 5pm.

This year there will be other activities: the Beny More Tribute Gala at the Mella theatre the 20 of May at 8-30pm, the Tribute Gala to Rafael Hernandez, a Puerto Rican composer – whose work is very known and admired in our country – , the 22 of May at 8-30pm, a Gala in tribute to Puerto Rico, a guest of honor country, at the Carlos Marx theatre the 23 of May at 8-30pm and a Special Tribute to maestro Frank Gonzales, for the 65 years old and his 50 years of artistic life.

There will be also several important shows: a Guitar Party with the participation of prestigious performers of guitar, lute and the Cuban and Puerto Rican cuatro and tres, specially dedicated to the 70 years of Maestro Leo Brower at the “Amadeo Roldán” Auditorium Theatre, the 21 of May at 8-30pm. America sings to Puerto Rico at the America theatre on the 22, 23 and 24 of May at 8-30pm. There will be a Childrne Party organized by UJC (Spanish initials for Union of Young Communists), in collaboration with the Provincial Direction of Culture and all the institution of the Havana City Government in Plaza de la Revolucion municipality, which will include a presentation by la Colmenita and other prestigious children programs, on the 23 of May from 10am. The project Parrandas en los Barrios, sponsored by the Committees of Defence of the Revolution, the UJC ad the Federation of Cuban Women, will be presented in several Havana neighborhoods, following the stile of the Puerto Rican parrandas.

As part of the main presentations of this Cubadisco 2009 there will also be a tribute to the 70th Anniversary of the foundation of Aragon Orchestra, to the 40 years of the foundation of the Van Van orchestra, to the centenary of Barbarito Diez and Rodrigo Prats, to the 45 years of the foundation of EGREM and to different personalities and institutions of the national culture that have had a significant work for children, such as Juan Padron and Tulio Raggi, cinematographic filmmakers of the Animation Studios of ICAIC (Spanish initials for Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Arts and Industry), as well as to professors and teaching centres of artistic teaching that have contributed to the formation of many generations of Cuban artists, among them Maria Teresa Linares.

Edwin Colón Zayas, Andrés Jiménez (El Jíbaro) and Danny Rivera, among many others that will be announced accordingly, are three of the prestigious Puerto Rican musical figures that will be present in this event, dedicated to the music of that friendly country.

At the same time, the Cubadisco 2009 International Symposium will be held , organised and co-produced by the Research and Development Centre of Cuban Music (CIDMUC, after its initials in Spanish), chaired over by its director, Laura Vilar, with the general coordination of the musicologist Alicia Valdes. This event will be held at the Bertold Brecht Cultural Complex from the 18 until the 23 of May at 9am and 2pm. The XII Cubadisco 2009 International Fair will be held, as usual, at the Cuba Pavillion of our capital.

Cubadisco 2009 is already moving on, sponsored by the Cuban Music Institute and will make Havana from the 16 and until the 24 of May into the capital of the international music.

Translation: Rodney Lopez (Cubarte)


Author: Cubarte


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