After the 2007 successful show, Kurumaya Masaaki is back to Italy with the new tour that will reach the cities of Lerici (SP), Fiesole (FI) and Genoa. The taiko groups of whom Masaaki Sensei is leader and master will be at his side: the Wadaiko Za Miyama, the Kurumaya Group and the Italian Kyo Shin Do. In Genoa, renowned artists as Joji Hirota and Tadashi Endo will join him as well. Kurumaya Masaaki’s concerts are spectacular and not to be missed.
Summer 2008 Italian tour:
June 28th: the tour starts in Lerici (La Spezia) on the occasion of the Mondomare Festival,organized by the Archivolto genoan theatre and this year dedicated to the “Islands” theme. Japan will be represented by the Taiko traditional sound.
July 2nd: Kurumaya Masaaki is back on the charming stage of the roman theatre in Fiesole (Firenze), within the Estate Fiesolana cultural festival program. Both concerts will see the Wadaiko Za Miyama, the Kurumaya Group and the Italian KyoShinDo side by side to Kurumaya Masaaki.
July 5th: in Genoa, Kurumaya Masaaki will take part at the 17th Festival Musicale del Mediterraneo (Mediterranean Music Festival), within the Sounds and Images for Akira Kurosawa evening.
Davide Ferrari, the Mediterranean Music Festival director, invited three among the best known in Europe Japanese artists to celebrate with their art the big Japanese film director work.
Besides Kurumaya Masaaki and the Italian group Kyo Shin Do, also the eclectic music player Joji Hirota and the Butoh dancer Tadashi Endo will pay homage to Akira Kurosawa with their performances.
The Japanese drums, called Taiko, are traditional instruments used in folk and religious music. In the last decades they have been used in shows as well, and many taiko groups have risen in Japan and in the rest of the world.
Kyo Shin Do: Cristina Ottaggio, Cinzia Bernasconi, Daniele Agresti, Stefano Parisi, Chiara Parisi, Bruno Cocco, Mirco Taddei.
Kurumaya Group: Kurumaya Masaaki, Moriuchi Fumio, Otani Ayumi, Sakashita Natsuki.
Wadaiko Za Miyama: Kurumaya Masaaki, Yokota Shigemi, Yoshizawa Takako, Sakurai Eiko, Taniguchi Hidemi, Nishide Tsukiko, Matsumoto Michiko.
Author: World Music Central News Room
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