The third stage of the Comprador e Imagem project took the international visitors to the city of Fortaleza, in the state of Ceará, in northern Brazil. Although the usual seminars and showcases were in the schedule, the visit to Fortaleza took place in the middle of an annual regional music fair.
The Feira da Música Ceará 2007 took place August 15 – 18. It was sponsored by SEBRAE Ceará and ProDisc, the association of record producers of the state of Ceará. The fair included a trade show, numerous music showcases at various locations, seminars and other activities.
The majority of the musicians showcasing were from Brazil, from the states of Acre, Alagoas, Amapá, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Pará, Paraíba, Sergipe, Piauí, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte, São Paulo, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, and Tocantins. There were also two acts from abroad participating in the showcases: a band from Argentina, Velenio Funk, and Italian group A67.
The trade show included record labels, cultural organizations, professional audio, musical instruments, as well as a collector’s vinyl and CD fair. "Over the past six years Ceará has developed various activities for organizing local music production with the involvement of ProDisc (the local association of record producers), the local Sebrae, and the annual Feira da Música de Fortaleza (the Fortaleza Music Fair)," says David McLaughlin of BM&A. "The local associations have produced 2 CDs – Ceará Original Soundtrack – to promote the local independent sector."
With only two days in Fortaleza and so many bands performing, it was impossible to see it all. The showcase genres ranged from rock and pop to folk, world, funk, electronica and jazz.
One of the groups that caused a great impression to some of the members of the Comprador e Imagem group was O Quarto Das Cinzas. The group combines atmospheric music with Brazilian regional influences, electronic and pop music, poetry and various artistic elements. O Quarto Das Cinzas has an EP titled Chave. The band has a page on MySpace: www.myspace.com/oquartodascinzas.

A special event that took place during the fair was the videotaping of a DVD featuring Brazilian Popular Music singer Cacau Brasil joined by renowned Brazilian musicians and international guests, including Alceu Valença, Flávio Venturini, a Macedonian dance company and percussionists from Morocco and Senegal.
As in other Brazilian cities, Fortaleza has impressive cultural centers. Some of the activities were held at the beautiful Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura. The center has an extensive arts programming: music, theater, activities for children, dance, art exhibits and workshops.
The artists featured in the showcases were:
Rock Pró Cultura showcase: SemiZeus, Nuamba Zen, Thunda and Dose Lethal (CE); Mônica Feijó (PE); O Quarto das Cinzas (CE); Radiola (BA); Madame Mim (SP); Wado (AL); Fossil (CE); Aerotrio (PB); Wilson Dias (MG); Coco de Tebei (PE); Casca Verde (PI); Brevis (CE); Drive Sex (CE); Obskure (CE); Joseph K? (CE); Piron Heron (CE); The Playboys (PE); Enverso (CE); Diffusão (CE); Alegoria da Caverna (CE); Rosa de Pedra (RN); Neguedmundo (RN); Nordeste Nato (RN); Cacará de Viagem (RN); A67 (Italy); Loop B (SP); Zé Cafofinho (PE); Batuqueirada (AP); Montage (CE); Dona Zefinha (CE); Violões de Guaramiranga (CE); Odete de Pilar (PB); Quarteto Alterado (CE); Groove Primata (RN); Bongar (PE); Burudanga (SE); No Fake (CE); Macondo (CE); Renegados (CE); Samhainfall (CE); 13rockdale (CE); A Euterpia (PA); Red Run (CE); Retrovisor (RN); Marabaixada (AP); Canários do Munin (MA); Kátia Freitas (CE); Rosa de Pedra (RN); Escurinho da Paraíba (PB); Canários do Munin (MA); Mahnimal (ES); Tambor de Crioula da Comunidade Chapada do Sindá (PI); Alex Costa (CE); Eduardo Taufic (RN); Narciso Augusto (AC); Cacau Brasil (CE); Ingressos à venda Grupo Rã (PA); Os Malditos Rock Band (CE); Not 4 Sale (CE); 3 D C (CE); Pinhead Underground (CE); Telerama (CE); 5ª Potência (MA); Mafalda Morfina (CE); Café Colômbia (CE); Eletrocactus (CE); Odete de Pilar (PB); Retrovisor (RN); Eleonora Falcone (PB); Velenio Funk (Argentina); Cidadão da Mata (CE); Falcatrua (MG); Grupo Marimbas (CE); Rodrigo Gondim (CE); Rivotril (PE); Alex Madureira (PB); Alessandra Leão (PE); Marabaixada (AP); Dona Lili (CE); Canino Song (CE); Redoma (CE); Mary Virgin (CE); Khobaia (CE); Vertikal (TO); Oitavada (CE); Banda Cabaçal Fulô da Aurora (CE); Aerotrio (PB); Wilson Dias (MG)
Related Links:
- BM&A, www.bma.org.br
- SEBRAE Ceará: www.ce.sebrae.com.br
- Feira da Música Ceará 2007, www.feiramusica.com.br
- ProDisc, www.prodisc.org.br
- Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura, www.dragaodomar.org.br
- City of Fortaleza, www.fortaleza.ce.gov.br
- Ceará state government site: www.ceara.gov.br
Author: Angel Romero
Angel Romero y Ruiz has dedicated his life to musical exploration. His efforts included the creation of two online portals, worldmusiccentral.org and musicasdelmundo.com. In addition, Angel is the co-founder of the Transglobal World Music Chart, a panel of world music DJs and writers that celebrates global sounds. Furthermore, he delved into the record business, producing world music studio albums and compilations. His works have appeared on Alula Records, Ellipsis Arts, Indígena Records and Music of the World.