Renée Asteria’s music is a strange fusion of Folk-Rock-Reggae which represents the rare combination of cultures and environments which she embodies. Her father is Bolivian and mother is Dutch, she grew up in France, but was born in the US (New Jersey). Her family background and love of social work have granted her great privilege to work, study and travel in other countries.
After one year of social work in Latin America, Renee returns with a second full length album "Caras de Agente Doble E" ("Faces of Agent Doble E") which she produced with much blood and sweat in Buenos Aires, Argentina from October 2006 to April 2007.Argentine producer Matias Martyn and local musicians from Tibetan Monkey (Reggae-Dub), Sinsemilla (Reggae) and Tony Fluye (Funk-Rock) bring the 12-song production to life. With simple lyrics and enticing music, Renee fuses her passions; South and North America, social work and music, love and nature.
According to the press release, you’ll hear rock with a Nirvana/Bjork/Blind Melon/Soundgarden feel (listen to So Irrational, Lullabye, Smile) and Reggae – Manu Chao/Lee Perry/Wailers with a female touch (check out Vinchuca, Break Away) – and – even dancehall (Open Mind).
The bilingual album (English and Spanish) is characterized by Renee’s catchy but creative melodies and quirky song themes, including, insect disease vectors ("Mosquito", Dengue fever prevention and "Vinchuca", risk factors for Chagas disease) and love songs as odes to the Sun ("Oblivion") and the Sea ("Blue Mystery").
The album was first released in Buenos Aires, Argentina (aired live on 95.5 Rock & Pop FM and Open Air Radio) and released in New York City (Mopitkins, June 9th). It will be released on July 11th in the San Francisco Bay Area at Ashkenaz (1317 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, 8 pm – 8$). The show is "Woman Fronted Roots" – Renee Asteria – "Agent Double E" will split the evening with Naomi & the Courteous Rudeboys
Why Agent Double E? – Well, as a woman – in Latin America it is strange to be named Renée – so she has always presented herself as René "with double e for a woman" translated in Spanish to "con doble e para mujer" – and her nomadic lifestyle leads some friends to suspect that she’s a spy – hahah. Who knows? Thus the name Agent Double E (Agente Doble E).
Buy the album: Caras de Agente Doble E
Links (Spanish profile) (French profile) (Japanese) (EPK)